ScenEdit_AddExplosion( table )
This function creates a detonation of a warhead at a specific location.
Useful for simulating explosions where no weapon is fired such as a bomb being detonated.
*** Does not currently support under surface explosions ****
- altitude = altitude The altitude of the detonation. If no 'altitude' is passed, or the value of the parameter is 'surface', the explosion will occur at 'ground zero' at that location.
- latitude = latitude The latitude of the detonation
- longitude = longitude The longitude of the detonation
- warheadid = number The database ID of the warhead to detonate
- True/False True if function successful
Simulating an explosion of device '1.4kg HE' at the unit 'myUnit' location
ScenEdit_AddExplosion({warheadid = 253, latitude = myUnit.latitude, longitude = myUnit.longitude, altitude = myUnit.altitude})