ScenEdit_AddMission (SideNameOrId, MissionNameOrId, MissionType, MissionOptions)
This function adds a new mission to the side based on the supplied options
It is suggested to make the mission name unique across the scenario to ensure there are no conflicts as to the side it is applicable to
Once the core mission is added, the mission can be adjusted through a wrapper or ScenEdit_SetMission
- SideNameOrId string The mission side name/guid
- MissionNameOrId string The mission name as this is a new mission
- MissionType MissionType The type of mission which will control what is valid for the following options
The mission specific options
category =
MissionCategoryMission (0), Package (1), Taskpool (2)
The category of mission being added. The default is 'Mission'.
- destination = string A mission destination location name/guid (This only applies to a 'Ferry' mission)
pool =
The name or GUID of the task pool this package draws from. (This only applies to mission category 'package')
type =
Mission sub-type (This only applies to mission types 'Patrol' and 'Strike')
zone =
{} of multiple
The area to operate in (This only applies to 'Patrol', 'Support', 'Mining', 'Cargo' missions)
- string The reference point guid/name
category =
MissionCategoryMission (0), Package (1), Taskpool (2)
The category of mission being added. The default is 'Mission'.
Mission A mission wrapper for the new mission or nil
Retaining the mission guid for updating would be desirable rather than rely on the name itself.
local mission = ScenEdit_AddMission( 'USA', 'Marker strike', 'strike',{ type = 'land'} )
local missionReferencePoints={'rp-1','rp-2','rp-3'}
local mission = ScenEdit_AddMission (OPFORsideName, 'OPFOR Mission', 'Patrol', {type= 'AAW',zone= missionReferencePoints} )
-- create a task pool
local m = ScenEdit_AddMission('sidea', 'Strike Pool', 'Strike', {category='taskpool',type='land',pool='strike pool'})
-- create a package under the task pool
m = ScenEdit_AddMission('sidea', 'Package 1', 'Strike', {category='package',type='land',pool='strike pool'})
m = ScenEdit_AddMission('sidea', 'mission', 'Strike', {type='land',pool='strike pool'})