ScenEdit_AddReloadsToUnit (table)

This function adds, removes or fills out weapon reloads on a local mount of an unit, rather than be applied to the unit's magazine.
You can specify a particular `mount` by the GUID, or omit it and the function will try to apply the request to any `available` mounts with the `weapon`.


  • table {}
    • side = string The side name/GUID of the unit
    • unitname = string The name of unit
    • guid = string The GUID of the unit
    • wpn_dbid = number The weapon database ID to be updated **MANDATORY**
    • mount_guid = string The mount GUID on the unit to be updated
    • number = number Number to be added or removed
    • remove = True/False If true, this will debuct the number of weapons from the unit/mount
    • fillout = True/False If true, this will fill out the weapon record to its maximum. The 'number' doesn't apply.


number The number of items added or removed

ScenEdit_AddReloadsToUnit( { side='NATO', unitname='Mech Inf #1', wpn_dbid=773, number=1 } )
ScenEdit_AddReloadsToUnit( { side='NATO', unitname='Mech Inf #1', wpn_dbid=773, mount_guid='GNRIJH-0HM7B6IC7IPUR', number=5, remove=true } )