ScenEdit_AttackContact (attackerID, contactId, options)
This function causes an attack on a contact as an auto-target or manual target, with weapon allocation.
For a BOL attack, use "BOL" as the contactId.
Note: The function will use the weapon from the aircraft loadout if applicable when no mount is supplied.
If no 'mount' is supplied, the first available one with the 'weapon' will be used.
- attackerID string The attacking unit name/guid
- contactId string The contact being attacked as a name/guid (GUID is better as the name can change as its classification changes)
- mode = TargetingMode0 = AutoTargeted, 1 = ManualWeaponAlloc, 2 = ManualTargeted The attack behaviour. 'ManualWeaponAlloc' requires supplying the weapon information to fire with.
- mount = number The mount dbid to fire from [Applies to manual weapon launch ]
- weapon = number The weapon dbid on the mount to fire [Applies to manual weapon launch ]
- qty = number The number of weapons to fire in this salvo [Applies to manual weapon launch ] If the contactId is 'BOL', then the following applies.
- latitude = latitude The latitude of the aimpoint
- longitude = longitude The longitude of the aimpoint If the mode is '1' (ManualWeaponAlloc), then the following apply.
- course = {} of multiple The course of the weapon(s) launched to the aimpoint/contact, otherwise direct to aimpoint. There is no check that the weapon can still hit the target after applying the 'course'.
True/False True if attack successfully assigned
ScenEdit_AttackContact( 'Phantom #1', 'SKUNK #12', { mode='1', mount=438, weapon=1413, qty=10 } )