ScenEdit_HostUnitToParent (table)

This function hosts (bases) a unit on another unit.

  • If 'SelectedHostNameOrID' is used, then the unit will be moved from any location, including flying, to the location of the 'host' unit.
  • If 'SelectedBaseNameOrID' is used, then the unit's base will be set to this location only.
The parameters 'SelectedHostNameOrID' and 'SelectedBaseNameOrID' are usually mutally exclusive, and only one would normally be used at a time. They do the same 'basing' but one is immeditate the other not.
You can use both if you want to home port a unit but have it return to a different base.


  • table {}
    • HostedUnitNameOrID = string The name or GUID of the unit to update.
      The alternate parameter HostedUnitNameOrID can be used instead.
    • SelectedHostNameOrID = string The name or GUID of the host to move the unit into.
      The alternate parameter HostBaseNameOrID can be used instead.
    • SelectedBaseNameOrID = string The name or GUID of the host to be the unit's assigned base.
      The alternate parameter AssignedBaseNameOrID can be used instead.
    "UnitX" can be used as a value in the above parameters when in an event script.


True/False True if successful.
OR if supplying both base parameters in same method. [0] = host base T/F, [1] = assigned base T/F True if successful.

This will base a unit 'f4f9e0af-15c2-4582-8e80-b827c2ec2f56' at the base 'San Diego'.
local a = ScenEdit_HostUnitToParent( {HostedUnitNameOrID='f4f9e0af-15c2-4582-8e80-b827c2ec2f56', SelectedBaseNameOrID = 'San Diego' } )
This will host a unit 'f4f9e0af-15c2-4582-8e80-b827c2ec2f56' at the base 'San Diego' immefiately.
local a = ScenEdit_HostUnitToParent( {HostedUnitNameOrID='f4f9e0af-15c2-4582-8e80-b827c2ec2f56', SelectedHostNameOrID = 'San Diego' } )
Using the new alias names
local unit_ship1 = ScenEdit_GetUnit({side = "Side A", name = "Ship 1"})

local base_portA = ScenEdit_GetUnit({side = "Side A", name = "Port A"})
local base_portB = ScenEdit_GetUnit({side = "Side A", name = "Port B"})

local rebase_Ship1 = ScenEdit_HostUnitToParent({UnitName = unit_ship1.guid, AssignedBaseNameOrID = base_portA.guid})
if type(rebase_Ship1) == 'boolean' then
print(tostring(rebase_Ship1[0]) .. ' ' .. tostring(rebase_Ship1[1]))