Tool_Range (fromHere, toHere [,useSlant])
This function returns the range between points, which can be a GUID of a unit/contact or a latitude/longitude (with optional altitude) point.
- fromHere string or { } of latitude = latitude longitude = longitude altitude = altitude Unit/Contact guid or a location point
- toHere string or { } of latitude = latitude longitude = longitude altitude = altitude Unit/Contact guid or a location point
- useSlant true Optional - calculate the slant distance accounting for altitde instead of the default horizontal distance
number The horizontal/slant distance in NM
local d = Tool_Range('8269b881-20ce-4f2e-baa0-6823e46d55a4', '004aa55d-d553-428d-a727-26853737c8f4' )
local d = Tool_Range( { latitude='33.1991547589118', longitude='138.376876749942' }, '8269b881-20ce-4f2e-baa0-6823e46d55a4')
-- variable f and t are two units to measure distance from
local fromHereT = {lat = f.latitude, lon = f.longitude, alt = f.altitude}
local toHereT = {lat = t.latitude, lon = t.longitude, alt = t.altitude}
print(fromHereT); print(toHereT);
local r = Tool_Range(fromHereT, toHereT )
print('Horizontal = ' .. r .. ' NM')
local s = Tool_Range(fromHereT, toHereT, true)
print('Slant = ' .. s .. ' NM')