Tool_SatelliteCoveragePrediction (theSatellite, locationTable, timeTable, maxRange, minGrazingAngle)

The function purpose is to predict when the satellite will be able to cover the indicated area.


  • theSatellite string GUID of the satellite
  • locationTable { } of the location point
  • timeTable { } of the time frame (start and duration) to check for coverage
    • dateformat = value "DDMMYYYY"
      Overriding format of the date (optional) Default format is "DDMMYYYY"
    • startDate = StartDate Start date as 'DD:MM:YYYY' unless overriding dateFormat supplied.
    • startTime = StartTime Start time as 'HH:MM:SS'
    • duration = Duration Duration as 'day:hours:minutes:seconds'
  • maxRange number range from the location point to cover
  • minGrazingAngle number


  • { } of the periods when the location point is covered by satellite. This could be empty or multiple entries
      • start StartDateTime 'DD:MM:YYYY HH:MM:SS' If overriding dateFormat supplied, then date will be in that format.
      • duration Duration Duration in 'seconds'


local l = Tool_SatelliteCoveragePrediction("ZY-1 02D", {latitude=33.352, longitude=-162.795, altitude=0},
{startdate='11:09:2023', dateformat='DDMMYYYY', starttime='18:13:07', duration='2:00:00'}, 450, 95)
{ [1] = { duration = 50, start = '11:09:2023 19:22:37' }, [2] = { duration = 60, start = '12:09:2023 06:34:47' } }

With custom elevation angles:

local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name="ZY-1 02D", side="Red"})
local sensorTable = u.sensors
local firstSensor = u:GetSensor(sensorTable[1]['sensor_guid'])
firstSensor.MaxElevationAngle = -71
local OffZenithAngle = 90 + firstSensor.MaxElevationAngle

local coverage = Tool_SatelliteCoveragePrediction("ZY-1 02D", {latitude=33.064, longitude=-162.804, altitude=0},
{startdate='11:09:2023', dateformat='DDMMYYYY', starttime='18:13:07', duration='2:00:00'}, 450, OffZenithAngle)
{ [1] = { start = '11:09:2023 19:22:57', duration = 20 }, [2] = { start = '12:09:2023 06:34:47', duration = 50 } }