Wrapper Contact

Retreiving the Contact details

Wrapper Doctrine

Retreiving the mission doctrine object

local d = ScenEdit_GetDoctrine( { side='united states', mission='AEW East' } )

{ unrep_selection = '2' }
local d = ScenEdit_GetDoctrine({side='united states',mission='AEW East',actual='yes'})

weapon_control_status_land = '2', weapon_state_planned = '0', navigation_land = '0', engage_opportunity_targets = '0',
dive_on_threat = '0', weapon_control_status_air = '2', bvr_logic = '1', gun_strafing = '0', recharge_on_attack = '10',
automatic_evasion = '1', bingo_threshold = '3', fuel_state_rtb = '2', unrep_selection = '2', quick_turnaround_for_aircraft = '1',
maintain_standoff = '1', avoid_contact = '0', use_nuclear_weapons = '0', recharge_on_patrol = '60',
kinematic_range_for_torpedoes = '1', ignore_emcon_while_under_attack = '1', weapon_state_rtb = '0', dipping_sonar = '0',
deploy_on_damage = '1', ignore_plotted_course = '0', jettison_ordnance = '0', weapon_control_status_subsurface = '2',
navigation_surface = '0', withdraw_on_attack = '0', deploy_on_defence = '5', rtb_when_winchester = '0', deploy_on_fuel = '5',
withdraw_on_defence = '0', withdraw_on_fuel = '1', use_aip = '1', use_refuel_unrep = '1', use_sams_in_anti_surface_mode = '1',
air_operations_tempo = '0', engaging_ambiguous_targets = '2', fuel_state_planned = '0', refuel_unrep_allied = '0',
weapon_control_status_surface = '2', deploy_on_attack = '5', withdraw_on_damage = '0'

Wrapper DoctrineWRA

Retreiving a Doctrine WRA

There is a WRA_??? item for each weapon system in the LEVEL selected, in this case a unit, and for the type of target selected ( 2000 = 'Aircraft_Unspecified').
It can be filtered by using the weapon DBID in which case the WEAPON_DBID and WEAPON_NAME (from WRA) will be shown on the parent side with LEVEL and TARGET_TYPE.

local a = local a = ScenEdit_GetDoctrineWRA({guid='a1a52edf-3541-4b55-bea4-58d4e1ab11dc',target_type=2000})
WRA_2 = { WEAPON_DBID = 858, QTY_SALVO = 'Max', WEAPON_NAME = '76mm/62 Compact HE Burst [4 rnds]', SHOOTER_SALVO = 'Max', FIRING_RANGE = 'Max', SELF_DEFENCE = 'Max' },
WRA_1 = { WEAPON_DBID = 1630, QTY_SALVO = 'Max', WEAPON_NAME = '20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 Burst [300 rnds]', SHOOTER_SALVO = 'Max', FIRING_RANGE = 'Max', SELF_DEFENCE = 'Max' },
TARGET_TYPE = Aircraft_Unspecified

Wrapper Event

1. Showing the full attributes of the event

local a = ScenEdit_GetEvent( "Aircraft entering ship's exclusion zone" )
for k,v in pairs(a.fields) do
 if string.find(k,'property_') ~= nil then -- is a property
  local vt = {}
  local i = 0
  for w in string.gmatch(v,'%g+[^, ]') do
   vt[i] = w
  print("\r\n[object] = " .. string.sub(vt[0],2) ) -- property name
  if vt[3] == 'True' then
   print( a[ string.sub(vt[0],2) ] ) -- value of property
   print( 'no get function' ) -- value of property

[object] = description
Aircraft entering ship's exclusion zone

[object] = isActive

[object] = guid

[object] = probability

[object] = details
{ conditions = { [1] = { LuaScript = { ID = '8635d4bd-5642-4b9b-af0f-877953f25459', Description = 'Detected by SideB', ScriptText = 'local answer = false
local unit = ScenEdit_UnitX();
--local unit = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='Happy #1', guid='3d9e9a78-091f-4745-b48d-0fbaba6fe8ce'})
local contacts = unit.ascontact -- what other sides see me as
local base = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='DDG 138 Taizhou [Pr.956ME Sovremenny]', guid='4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c'}) -- unit doing the detecting
local side = VP_GetSide({side=base.side}).guid; print(side)
for x = 1, #contacts do
if contacts[x].side == side then
-- contact on my side
local mycontact = contacts[x].guid
local con = ScenEdit_GetContact({side = contacts[x].side, guid = contacts[x].guid}); print(con);print(con.posture)
return answer' } } }, actions = { [1] = { type = 'LuaScript', LuaScript = { ID = '4594c3bf-421d-43cd-a077-7f0d40294ae6', Description = 'Change posture', ScriptText = 'local unit = ScenEdit_UnitX();
--local unit = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='Happy #1', guid='3d9e9a78-091f-4745-b48d-0fbaba6fe8ce'})
local contacts = unit.ascontact -- what other sides see me as
local base = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='DDG 138 Taizhou [Pr.956ME Sovremenny]', guid='4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c'}) -- unit doing the detecting
local side = VP_GetSide({side=base.side}).guid; print(side)
local answer = false
for x = 1, #contacts do
if contacts[x].side == side then
-- contact on my side
local mycontact = contacts[x].guid
local con = ScenEdit_GetContact({side = contacts[x].side, guid = contacts[x].guid}); print(con);print(con.posture)
-- distance between my unit and the contact
local dist = base:rangetotarget( mycontact)
if dist ~= nil and dist < 10 then
print('target in range (' .. dist ..'NM)')
if con.side == nil then
con.posture = 'H'
con.posture = 'U'
print('target not in range (' .. dist ..'NM)')
' } } }, triggers = { [1] = { UnitEntersArea = { ID = '580d7284-cb24-474b-a137-3e5f4aa2338f', LTOA = '636299676000000000', TargetFilter = { ID = '44117c69-a74e-4697-ac60-31e534546001', TargetSubType = '0', TargetSide = '2c728e58-fc85-4c9d-952c-b62a195b2051', TargetType = '1' }, Area = { RPoint2 = { RD = '21.79107', ColorR = '255', ColorB = '255', ID = '073a5227-9cde-4b4d-9020-f78aa12297f4', IH = 'True', Lat = '33.879419548290649', Lon = '139.09893527841047', Name = 'RP-3006', ColorG = '255', IRT = '4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c', RB = '126.9126' }, RPoint1 = { RD = '23.86684', ColorR = '255', ColorB = '255', ID = '18bb5404-de45-4c9e-bec3-33a4fd904c9f', IH = 'True', Lat = '34.368804155042334', Lon = '139.10100045240316', Name = 'RP-3005', ColorG = '255', IRT = '4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c', RB = '46.89403' }, RPoint = { RD = '23.26058', ColorR = '255', ColorB = '255', ID = '3f563b7f-9236-4b14-a1d4-7299dfe395da', IH = 'True', Lat = '34.36889226716081', Lon = '138.41511917002865', Name = 'RP-3004', ColorG = '255', IRT = '4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c', RB = '314.5287' }, RPoint3 = { RD = '21.12538', ColorR = '255', ColorB = '255', ID = 'db940f3e-1112-4e55-ae89-59772b27c526', IH = 'True', Lat = '33.879523369216351', Lon = '138.41698363796547', Name = 'RP-3007', ColorG = '255', IRT = '4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c', RB = '231.7307' } }, Description = 'Aircraft enters exclusion zone', ETOA = '635984136000000000' } }, [2] = { UnitRemainsInArea = { ID = '9aa99e0c-9f67-4d3c-ae24-29a327b548d3', TargetFilter = { ID = '3fd45ed7-fc36-4807-923f-7299631a29c0', TargetSubType = '0', TargetSide = '2c728e58-fc85-4c9d-952c-b62a195b2051', TargetType = '1' }, Area = { RPoint = 'db940f3e-1112-4e55-ae89-59772b27c526' }, TD = '120', Description = 'Aircraft remains in exclsuion zone', TA = '0' } } }, isShown = 'Yes', guid = 'dc7a2fe6-4786-4e8f-ba04-f7d152c39265', isRepeatable = 'Yes', isActive = 'Yes', description = 'Aircraft entering ship's exclusion zone', probability = 100 }

[object] = isShown

[object] = conditions
{ [1] = { LuaScript = { ID = '8635d4bd-5642-4b9b-af0f-877953f25459', Description = 'Detected by SideB', ScriptText = 'local answer = false
local unit = ScenEdit_UnitX();
--local unit = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='Happy #1', guid='3d9e9a78-091f-4745-b48d-0fbaba6fe8ce'})
local contacts = unit.ascontact -- what other sides see me as
local base = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='DDG 138 Taizhou [Pr.956ME Sovremenny]', guid='4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c'}) -- unit doing the detecting
local side = VP_GetSide({side=base.side}).guid; print(side)
for x = 1, #contacts do
if contacts[x].side == side then
-- contact on my side
local mycontact = contacts[x].guid
local con = ScenEdit_GetContact({side = contacts[x].side, guid = contacts[x].guid}); print(con);print(con.posture)
return answer' } } }

[object] = triggers
{ [1] = { UnitEntersArea = { ID = '580d7284-cb24-474b-a137-3e5f4aa2338f', LTOA = '636299676000000000', TargetFilter = { ID = '44117c69-a74e-4697-ac60-31e534546001', TargetSubType = '0', TargetSide = '2c728e58-fc85-4c9d-952c-b62a195b2051', TargetType = '1' }, Area = { RPoint2 = { RD = '21.79107', ColorR = '255', ColorB = '255', ID = '073a5227-9cde-4b4d-9020-f78aa12297f4', IH = 'True', Lat = '33.879419548290649', Lon = '139.09893527841047', Name = 'RP-3006', ColorG = '255', IRT = '4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c', RB = '126.9126' }, RPoint1 = { RD = '23.86684', ColorR = '255', ColorB = '255', ID = '18bb5404-de45-4c9e-bec3-33a4fd904c9f', IH = 'True', Lat = '34.368804155042334', Lon = '139.10100045240316', Name = 'RP-3005', ColorG = '255', IRT = '4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c', RB = '46.89403' }, RPoint = { RD = '23.26058', ColorR = '255', ColorB = '255', ID = '3f563b7f-9236-4b14-a1d4-7299dfe395da', IH = 'True', Lat = '34.36889226716081', Lon = '138.41511917002865', Name = 'RP-3004', ColorG = '255', IRT = '4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c', RB = '314.5287' }, RPoint3 = { RD = '21.12538', ColorR = '255', ColorB = '255', ID = 'db940f3e-1112-4e55-ae89-59772b27c526', IH = 'True', Lat = '33.879523369216351', Lon = '138.41698363796547', Name = 'RP-3007', ColorG = '255', IRT = '4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c', RB = '231.7307' } }, Description = 'Aircraft enters exclusion zone', ETOA = '635984136000000000' } }, [2] = { UnitRemainsInArea = { ID = '9aa99e0c-9f67-4d3c-ae24-29a327b548d3', TargetFilter = { ID = '3fd45ed7-fc36-4807-923f-7299631a29c0', TargetSubType = '0', TargetSide = '2c728e58-fc85-4c9d-952c-b62a195b2051', TargetType = '1' }, Area = { RPoint = 'db940f3e-1112-4e55-ae89-59772b27c526' }, TD = '120', Description = 'Aircraft remains in exclsuion zone', TA = '0' } } }

[object] = isRepeatable

[object] = actions
{ [1] = { type = 'LuaScript', LuaScript = { ID = '4594c3bf-421d-43cd-a077-7f0d40294ae6', Description = 'Change posture', ScriptText = 'local unit = ScenEdit_UnitX();
--local unit = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='Happy #1', guid='3d9e9a78-091f-4745-b48d-0fbaba6fe8ce'})
local contacts = unit.ascontact -- what other sides see me as
local base = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='DDG 138 Taizhou [Pr.956ME Sovremenny]', guid='4761b40d-01e0-416c-a3e9-43880de92c3c'}) -- unit doing the detecting
local side = VP_GetSide({side=base.side}).guid; print(side)
local answer = false
for x = 1, #contacts do
if contacts[x].side == side then
-- contact on my side
local mycontact = contacts[x].guid
local con = ScenEdit_GetContact({side = contacts[x].side, guid = contacts[x].guid}); print(con);print(con.posture)
-- distance between my unit and the contact
local dist = base:rangetotarget( mycontact)
if dist ~= nil and dist < 10 then
print('target in range (' .. dist ..'NM)')
if con.side == nil then
con.posture = 'H'
con.posture = 'U'
print('target not in range (' .. dist ..'NM)')
' } } }

[object] = name

2. Retreiving some details from the Event

local f = ScenEdit_EventX() -- the event that has triggered
print("EventID: " .. string.format('%s (\'%s\')',f.description, f.guid))
print("Active: " .. string.format('%s',f.isActive))
print("Shown: " .. string.format('%s',f.isShown))
print("Repeats: " .. string.format('%s',f.isRepeatable))

EventID: Turkish FFG destroyed ('cf4eb993-25bd-4626-a944-b2b3cf6ae3b6')
Active: true
Shown: False
Repeats: True
{ [1] = { UnitDestroyed = { TargetFilter = { TargetType = '2', TargetSubType = '3303', ID = '88b4407d-f90f-4161-abea-357a69a66f13', TargetSide = '257e0c83-c955-4ab8-841b-49a46544b54f' }, ID = '4e5f16f3-8e65-40fe-b7e0-f95e99910eb1', Description = 'Turkish FFG destroyed' } } }
{ }
{ [1] = { Points = { Description = 'United States plus 01000 points', SideID = '2b7905cd-e798-494b-95fb-a01f5d9f4eec', ID = 'b1a3e26e-5c88-48a5-a866-88a7f7d737df', PointChange = '1000' }, type = 'Points' } }

The active event has one trigger (UnitDestroyed) and one action (update points).

Wrapper Group

Retreiving the Group details

local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='CVN BG', guid='9506a165-6e44-40dd-b721-f9c07e056bdb'})
print("Group [" .. u.group.name .. "] \r\n" .. " Lead ship is " .. ScenEdit_GetUnit({ guid= u.group.lead}).name)
-- group contains units
local s = "Group units:" .. "\r\n"
for k,v in pairs(u.group.unitlist) do
if v ~= u.group.lead then
s = s .. k .. " - " .. ScenEdit_GetUnit({ guid= v}).name .. "\r\n"

Group [CVN BG]
Lead ship is CVN 70 Carl Vinson [Nimitz Class]
Group units:
1 - USS Rentz
2 - USS McClusky
3 - USS Stockdale
4 - USS Gridley
5 - USS Higgins
6 - USS Lake Champlain
7 - USS Bunker Hill

Wrapper LoadOut

Retreiving the Group details

local u = ScenEdit_GetLoadout({name='MiG-31BM Foxhound', unitname='NZZYVJ-0HM0G1F7MPTLQ'}
print("Loadout [" .. u.name .. "] \r\n" )
local s = "Weapon load:" .. "\r\n"
for k,v in pairs(u.weapons) do
print( v)
s = s .. k .. " - " .. v.wpn_name
s = s .. "\t(Carrying " .. v.wpn_current .. " of " .. v.wpn_maxcap .. ")\r\n"
u:setExactWeaponQuantity(v.wpn_guid, v.wpn_maxcap) -- set the current load back to full if any have been expended

Loadout [AA-13 Arrow [R-37M], AA-12 Adder B [R-77-1], Long-Range]
Weapon load:
1 - AA-12 Adder B [R-77-1, RVV-SD] (Carrying 2 of 2)
2 - AA-13 Arrow [R-37M, RVV-BD] (Carrying 4 of 4)
3 - 2500 liter Drop Tank (Carrying 2 of 2)

Wrapper Magazine

Retreiving the Magazine details

local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='LST 4001 Osumi', guid='8269b881-20ce-4f2e-baa0-6823e46d55a4'})
print( "Unit Magazines " .. "\r\n")
for k,v in pairs(u.magazines) do
local s = ''
local m = u:getUnitMagazine(v.mag_guid) -- details on magazine
s = s .. k .. " - " .. m.name .. "with capacity of " .. m.capacity .. ' units\r\n'
s = s .. "\t[Armor rating = " .. m.armor .. ", ROF = " .. m.rof .. ", containing " .. #m.weapons .. " weapon(s)]\r\n"
for k,v in pairs(m.weapons) do
s = s .. "\t\t" .. v.wpn_name .. " with load " .. v.wpn_current .. " of " .. v.wpn_default .. '\r\n'
m:setExactWeaponQuantity(v.wpn_guid, v.wpn_default) -- set the current load back to full if any have been expended

Unit Magazines

1 - 12.7mm/50 MGwith capacity of 200 units
[Armor rating = 1001, ROF = 15, containing 1 weapon(s)]
12.7mm/50 MG Burst [10 rnds] with load 180 of 200

2 - 20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1with capacity of 20 units
[Armor rating = 2001, ROF = 300, containing 1 weapon(s)]
20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 Burst [300 rnds] with load 20 of 20

3 - Helicopter Magazinewith capacity of 10000 units
[Armor rating = 1001, ROF = 60, containing 2 weapon(s)]
AGM-114M Hellfire II with load 24 of 24
Mk46 NEARTIP Mod 5 with load 40 of 40

4 - Mk36 SRBOCwith capacity of 80 units
[Armor rating = 1001, ROF = 300, containing 2 weapon(s)]
Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction] with load 2 of 64
Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction] with load 2 of 16

Wrapper Mission

Retreiving the Mission details

Wrapper Mount

Retreiving the Mount details

local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='LST 4001 Osumi', guid='8269b881-20ce-4f2e-baa0-6823e46d55a4'})
print( "Unit Mounts " )
for k,v in pairs(u.mounts) do
local s = ''
local m = u:getUnitMount(v.mount_guid) -- details on mount
s = s .. k .. " - " .. m.name .. " [ " .. v.mount_status .. ' ]\r\n'
s = s .. "\t[ containing " .. #m.weapons .. " weapon(s) ]\r\n"
for k,v in pairs(m.weapons) do
s = s .. "\t\t" .. v.wpn_name .. " with load " .. v.wpn_current .. " of " .. v.wpn_default .. '\r\n'
--m:setExactWeaponQuantity(v.wpn_guid, v.wpn_default) -- set the current load back to full if any have been expended

Unit Mounts
1 - 12.7mm/50 MG [ Operational ]
[ containing 1 weapon(s) ]
12.7mm/50 MG Burst [10 rnds] with load 10 of 10

2 - 12.7mm/50 MG [ Operational ]
[ containing 1 weapon(s) ]
12.7mm/50 MG Burst [10 rnds] with load 10 of 10

3 - 20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 CIWS [ Operational ]
[ containing 1 weapon(s) ]
20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 Burst [300 rnds] with load 5 of 5

4 - 20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 CIWS [ Operational ]
[ containing 1 weapon(s) ]
20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 Burst [300 rnds] with load 5 of 5

5 - Mk36 SRBOC [ Operational ]
[ containing 2 weapon(s) ]
Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction] with load 4 of 4
Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction] with load 2 of 2

6 - Mk36 SRBOC [ Operational ]
[ containing 2 weapon(s) ]
Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction] with load 4 of 4
Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction] with load 2 of 2

7 - Mk36 SRBOC [ Operational ]
[ containing 2 weapon(s) ]
Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction] with load 4 of 4
Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction] with load 2 of 2

8 - Mk36 SRBOC [ Operational ]
[ containing 2 weapon(s) ]
Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction] with load 4 of 4
Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction] with load 2 of 2

Wrapper Reference Point

Retreiving the RP details

Wrapper Scenario

Retreiving the Scenario details

Wrapper Side

Retreiving the Side details

Find units in an area

local u = side:unitsInArea({Area = { 'RP-3137', 'RP-3139', 'RP-3136', 'RP-3138'},
TargetFilter = { TargetType = 'Ship' } })

Find units on side by a filter

local u = side:side:unitsBy('Ship') -- all ships
u = side:unitsBy('Ship', 2002, 3003) -- ships fitered for 'Surface combatant' and 'BBC'

Wrapper Special Action

Retreiving the SA details

Wrapper Unit

Retreiving the Unit details

Update the orbit for a satellite by specifying a TLE

theSat = ScenEdit_GetUnit({guid='56f830c1-d0e2-430a-985e-0e301cc01eff'})
theTLE = 'Resurs P1\n1 39186U 13030A 17013.12537468 .00000446 00000-0 16942-4 0 9992\n2 39186 97.3847 79.3911 0015157 247.7411 195.8488 15.31966970198820'

Change the type of waypoint

au = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='AGM-158A JASSM [Penetrator] #967', guid='46skox-0hmf72m6q6bdj'})
wp = au:getwaypoint({GUID='46SKOX-0HMF72M6Q6L64'})
wp.type = 0 -- This changes the waypoint type, in this case to manual plotted-course waypoint

Change group's formation - reposition individual units - via teleport (transpose = true)

    1. to 'line abreast' (one of the pre-defined formations)

local a = ScenEdit_GetUnit( { guid='9506a165-6e44-40dd-b721-f9c07e056bdb' } )
a.formation = {name='line', spacing_unit = 1, transpose='true'}

    2. to a customised formation

local a = ScenEdit_GetUnit( { guid='9506a165-6e44-40dd-b721-f9c07e056bdb' } )
a.formation = {name='Custom:\t0\t2\t1\t135\t1\t1\t225\t1', spacing_unit = 1, transpose='true'}

Change unit's location in group's formation

local a = ScenEdit_GetUnit( { guid='9506a165-6e44-40dd-b721-f9c07e056bdb' } )
a.formation = {type='fixed', sprint=false, bearing=45, distance=5}

Retrieve the noise level of ship (as appears on map)

local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='SS 583 Harushio', guid='3a5f2a57-36e2-48f6-9352-00b819789a18'})
print '----Noise Level----------'
print("Front: " .. tostring(u.noiseLevel.front))
print("Side: " .. tostring(u.noiseLevel.side))
print("Rear: " .. tostring(u.noiseLevel.rear))
----Noise Level----------
Front: 19.0
Side: 19.2
Rear: 19.4

Retrieve the signature profile of aircraft with loadout

local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='MiG-31BM Foxhound', guid='NZZYVJ-0HM0G1F7MPTLQ'})
local sigs = u.signature
if sigs.loadout ~= nil then
print("A/c Loadout id = " .. sigs.loadout)
print '----Signatures----------'
for k,v in pairs(sigs) do
if k ~= 'loadout' then
print("Type: " .. tostring(v.type) .. " / " .. v.typeN) -- type of device related to signature. Both text and number are supplied
-- the text string similar to DB viewer
print("Front: " .. tostring(v.text.front))
print("Side: " .. tostring(v.text.side))
print("Rear: " .. tostring(v.text.rear))
-- the RCS values
print("RCS: " )
print("Front: " .. tostring(v.rcs.front))
print("Side: " .. tostring(v.rcs.side))
print("Rear: " .. tostring(v.rcs.rear))
if v.sqm ~= nil then
-- the square metre values
print("SQM: " )
print("Front: " .. tostring(v.sqm.front))
print("Side: " .. tostring(v.sqm.side))
print("Rear: " .. tostring(v.sqm.rear))
print '---------------'
{ [2] = { text = { rear = '3.56 nm', front = '3.56 nm', side = '7.94 nm' }, rcs = { rear = 3.56, front = 3.56, side = 7.94 }, typeN = 3001, type = 'Visual_Detect' }, [3] = { text = { rear = '3.26 nm', front = '1.90 nm', side = '4.30 nm' }, rcs = { rear = 3.26, front = 1.9, side = 4.3 }, typeN = 3002, type = 'Visual_ID' }, [4] = { text = { rear = '11.94 nm', front = '3.56 nm', side = '8.00 nm' }, rcs = { rear = 11.9425, front = 3.56, side = 7.9985 }, typeN = 4001, type = 'IR_Detect' }, [5] = { text = { rear = '1.90 nm', front = '1.90 nm', side = '4.30 nm' }, rcs = { rear = 1.9, front = 1.9, side = 4.3 }, typeN = 4002, type = 'IR_ID' }, [6] = { text = { rear = '9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.', front = '9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.', side = '11.15 dBsm, 13.0 sq.m.' }, typeN = 5001, rcs = { rear = 9.03988, front = 9.03988, side = 11.14721 }, sqm = { rear = 8.016566, front = 8.016566, side = 13.023313 }, type = 'Radar_A_D' }, [7] = { text = { rear = '9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.', front = '9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.', side = '11.15 dBsm, 13.0 sq.m.' }, typeN = 5002, rcs = { rear = 9.03988, front = 9.03988, side = 11.14721 }, sqm = { rear = 8.016566, front = 8.016566, side = 13.023313 }, type = 'Radar_E_M' }, loadout = 19867 }
A/c Loadout id = 19867
Type: Visual_Detect / 3001
Front: 3.56 nm
Side: 7.94 nm
Rear: 3.56 nm
Front: 3.56
Side: 7.94
Rear: 3.56
Type: Visual_ID / 3002
Front: 1.90 nm
Side: 4.30 nm
Rear: 3.26 nm
Front: 1.9
Side: 4.3
Rear: 3.26
Type: IR_Detect / 4001
Front: 3.56 nm
Side: 8.00 nm
Rear: 11.94 nm
Front: 3.56
Side: 7.9985
Rear: 11.9425
Type: IR_ID / 4002
Front: 1.90 nm
Side: 4.30 nm
Rear: 1.90 nm
Front: 1.9
Side: 4.3
Rear: 1.9
Type: Radar_A_D / 5001
Front: 9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.
Side: 11.15 dBsm, 13.0 sq.m.
Rear: 9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.
Front: 9.03988
Side: 11.14721
Rear: 9.03988
Front: 8.016566
Side: 13.023313
Rear: 8.016566
Type: Radar_E_M / 5002
Front: 9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.
Side: 11.15 dBsm, 13.0 sq.m.
Rear: 9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.
Front: 9.03988
Side: 11.14721
Rear: 9.03988
Front: 8.016566
Side: 13.023313
Rear: 8.016566

Wrapper Zone (non-navigation and exclusion)

Retreiving the Zone details

local a = VP_GetSide({Side ='side1'})
-- a side object
local z = a.nonavzones
--List Of no-nav zones For the side If you need To find it
For i, zone in ipairs(z) do print("Zone #" .. i) print(zone) local n = a : getnonavzone(z[i].guid) -- zone object print('Details: ' .. n.description .. ' Active: ' .. tostring(n.isactive) ) n.area = {'rp-9','rp-10', 'rp-8' -- replace with a list of visible RPs for the side n.area = { name='area test rp0', latitude='35.5480335331354', longitude='15.8184476823186', highlighted=true, bearingtype=1, relativeto='Tracking #1', hidden = false, name='area test rp1', latitude='35.5480335331354', longitude='16.8184476823186', highlighted=true,, name='area test rp2', latitude='38.5480335331354', longitude='18.8184476823186', highlighted=false, -- replace with a new set of RPs that might not be visible to the side End

Wrapper WayPoint

Retreiving the WP details

Wrapper Weapon

Retreiving the Weapon details