
Tables are sections that have related data attached to them.
In general, they are referenced as Lua tables.
Like wrappers, the content of these may be modified either directly (object.field) or by some ScenEdit_Setxxx( {..field=....} ) function.


Air-to-Air Refueling options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission().

use_refuel_unrep string Can use refuel/replenishment?
tankerUsage string or
Is tanker reserved for missions? Automatic(0), Mission(1)
launchMissionWithoutTankersInPlace boolean
tankerMissionList mission name or
Table of missions to use as source of refuellers
tankerMinNumber_total number
tankerMinNumber_airborne number
tankerMinNumber_station number
maxReceiversInQueuePerTanker_airborne number
fuelQtyToStartLookingForTanker_airborne number Minimum percentage of fuel (0-100) that tanking will be requested
tankerMaxDistance_airborne string or
A tanker will be selected within this range Use 'internal' range or set a range.


This defines an area bounded by Reference Points or LatLon points

  1. Using Reference Point Names or GUIDs
    { 'RP-3137', 'RP-3139', 'RP-3136', 'RP-3138' }


Cargo stored in a ship/aircraft or dock facility usually referenced from a 'unit' wrapper.
To add/modify/remove cargo, use the function UpdateUnitCargo().

GUID string GUID
dbid number Database ID
name string Name
type number Type
status string Status
area number Cargo unit area
crew number Cargo unit crew
mass number Cargo unit mass
quantity number Items present
damage string Damage
statusR string Inoperative reason


Cargo item is used to identify the cargo assigned to be moved via a cargo mission.

type number CargoObjectType
dbid number Database ID of the CargoObjectType
GUID string GUID of the specific item to move, or an empty string
quantity number Number of items to be moved (for Mount type cargo.)


CargoMission options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()

subtype string Subtype of mission ('transfer', 'delivery')
OneThirdRule boolean True if activated
TransitThrottleAircraft string
TransitAltitudeAircraft string
StationThrottleAircraft string
StationAltitudeAircraft string
TransitThrottleSubmarine string
TransitDepthSubmarine string
StationThrottleSubmarine string
StationDepthSubmarine string
TransitThrottleShip string
StationThrottleShip string
UseFlightSize boolean True if minimum size required
UseGroupSize boolean True if minimum size required
Zone name or GUID Table of reference point names and/or GUIDs
DestinationUnitID GUID The GUID of the transfer mission destination unit
MoveAllCargo boolean If true, mission units ignore assigned cargo list and move all possible cargo.
AllowGroundUnitSelfDeliveryFromCargo boolean If true, ground units that are assigned to the mission AND begin inside cargo will exit cargo and attempt to self-transport.


This identifies the component/item(s) that are present in a unit. See Unit:filterOnComponent on how to filter this table

comp_GUID string GUID
comp_dbid string Database ID
comp_name string Name
comp_type string Type of component (mount, sensor, rudder, etc)
comp_status string Status
comp_statusR string Reason why inoperative [if not operational]
comp_damage string Damage Severity [if not operational]
comp_comms_jammed true/false Communication component being jammed
comp_sensor_jammed true/false Sensor component being jammed
comp_comms_datalink_parent Unit Communication (as datalink) parent unit, else nil


EM matches from database. Note the table items are in uppercase


DBID number Databse id.
NAME string Matching id name.
CATEGORY string Not applicable to weapons (Missile,Torpedo)
TYPE string Not applicable to Facility
SUBTYPE number Type of item within the contact type ( subtype is "Fighter" within scope of Aircraft)
MISSILE_DEFENCE number Applicable to Facility and Ships
local u = ScenEdit_GetContact( { side='united states', guid='Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEQFV13'} )

[1] = { DBID = 2835, CATEGORY = SurfaceCombatant, SUBTYPE = 3303, TYPE = FFG, MISSILE_DEFENCE = 16, NAME = 'F 495 Gediz [Perry, Gabya Class]' }


Contact emission details


name string
age number Time detection held
solid True/false Precise type/id of emitter detected
sensor_dbid number Sensor detecting databse id
sensor_name string Sensor name
sensor_type string Sensor type
sensor_role string Sensor role
sensor_maxrange number Sensor maximum range (nm)
local u = ScenEdit_GetContact({side='united states',guid='Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEQFV13'})
[1] = { sensor_role = 2143, sensor_dbid = 1484, sensor_type = 2001, sensor_maxrange = 48, Name = 'AN/SPG-60 STIR [Mk86 FCS, Radar] (Radar, FCR, Surface-to-Air & Surface-to-Surface, Short-Range)', Age = 0.300000011920929, name = 'AN/SPG-60 STIR [Mk86 FCS, Radar] (Radar, FCR, Surface-to-Air & Surface-to-Surface, Short-Range)', Solid = 'Yes', solid = 'Yes', sensor_name = 'AN/SPG-60 STIR [Mk86 FCS, Radar]', age = 0.300000011920929 },
[2] = { sensor_role = 2028, sensor_dbid = 1642, sensor_type = 2001, sensor_maxrange = 35, Name = 'AN/SPS-55 (Radar, Surface Search & Navigation)', Age = 0.300000011920929, name = 'AN/SPS-55 (Radar, Surface Search & Navigation)', Solid = 'Yes', solid = 'Yes', sensor_name = 'AN/SPS-55', age = 0.300000011920929 },
[3] = { sensor_role = 2028, sensor_dbid = 1501, sensor_type = 2001, sensor_maxrange = 20, Name = 'Furuno (Radar, Surface Search & Navigation)', Age = 0.300000011920929, name = 'Furuno (Radar, Surface Search & Navigation)', Solid = 'Yes', solid = 'Yes', sensor_name = 'Furuno', age = 0.300000011920929 },
[4] = { sensor_role = 2201, sensor_dbid = 3115, sensor_type = 2001, sensor_maxrange = 128, Name = 'Mk92 Mod 12 CAS (Radar Illuminator, Long-Range)', Age = 0.300000011920929, name = 'Mk92 Mod 12 CAS (Radar Illuminator, Long-Range)', Solid = 'Yes', solid = 'Yes', sensor_name = 'Mk92 Mod 12 CAS', age = 0.300000011920929 },
[5] = { sensor_role = 2014, sensor_dbid = 2238, sensor_type = 2001, sensor_maxrange = 135, Name = 'SMART-S Mk2 (Radar, Air & Surface Search, 3D Medium-Range)', Age = 0.300000011920929, name = 'SMART-S Mk2 (Radar, Air & Surface Search, 3D Medium-Range)', Solid = 'Yes', solid = 'Yes', sensor_name = 'SMART-S Mk2', age = 0.300000011920929 },
[6] = { sensor_role = 2133, sensor_dbid = 4226, sensor_type = 2001, sensor_maxrange = 2.70000004768372, Name = 'AN/VPS-2 Search/Track [Mk16 CWIS] (Radar, FCR, Surface-to-Air, Short-Range)', Age = 0.300000011920929, name = 'AN/VPS-2 Search/Track [Mk16 CWIS] (Radar, FCR, Surface-to-Air, Short-Range)', Solid = 'Yes', solid = 'Yes', sensor_name = 'AN/VPS-2 Search/Track [Mk16 CWIS]', age = 0.300000011920929 }


Facility air or dock facility


GUID string GUID
dbid number Database ID
name string Name
type number Type
status string Status
capacity number Units present


FerryMission options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()
Note that 'random' behavior basically finds a new destination base within range each time the mission is executed.


FerryBehavior string Values OneWay(0), Cycle(1), Random(2)
FerryThrottleAircraft string
FerryAltitudeAircraft string
FerryTerrainFollowingAircraft boolean
FlightSize Size
MinAircraftReq string
UseFlightSize boolean


This contains the information related to keeping units of a group in formation.
There are several predefined formation settings located in 'Resources\Formation\StandardFormations.txt'. These can be used to set a group's base formation stations.
Indivdual units in the formation can have their station changed.

The field values for a selected unit are "bearing", "type", "distance", "sprint"
The field values for a selected group are "name", "spacing", "spacing_unit", "bearing", "transpose"


For setting a unit's station in the current formation

type valuefixed = 0
rotating = 1
Type of bearing
bearing number Bearing from formation lead (0-360)
distance number Distance (NM) from formation lead
sprint True/False Use 'sprint and drift' mode while on formation station
transpose True Unit jumps to the new stations immediately

For setting a group's formation and underlying unit stations

name string Formation name The name from the formation setting file
spacing number Base distance (m) from formation lead Used to determine stations of group units
spacing_unit string Multipler to the spacing if required. Used to determine stations of group units
bearing number Desired bearing of formation lead (0-360) Uses the group lead's current heading if not used
transpose True Units jump to the new stations immediately

The formation name can also contain your own formation settings to initally set up the group's formation.
The name starts with "Custom:" followed by a string in the format designated in the 'Resources\Formation\StandardFormations.txt' file.
Look at this file to get a feeling of these fields and how they are used,
The character '\t' is used in the Lua string to represent tabs which is needed to separate the fields in the line.
For example: Custom:\t0\t2\t1\t135\t1\t1\t225\t1

local g = ScenEdit_GetUnit( {name='CVN BG', guid='9506a165-6e44-40dd-b721-f9c07e056bdb'})
print ( ) -- list of units in the group
local u_gid =[6] -- changing station of 6th unit in the group
local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit( {guid=u_gid})
print(u.formation) -- before update
u.formation = {type='fixed', sprint=false, bearing=45, distance=5} -- station = fixed bearing 45 deg at 5 NM from lead
print(u.formation) -- after update

-- list of units in the group
{ [1] = 'ee495732-1637-463a-b6c9-e2564150c8bf', [2] = '34c6939a-8aef-452b-9186-31763fe82e14',
[3] = 'b75cf3ed-c2f9-4a70-b8a2-f9506d2c2678', [4] = 'a113ca86-ce8f-4dae-8351-7b89ff3a3e81',
[5] = '7d149655-bfca-4364-a06a-3652a9b701ed', [6] = 'e65feada-4529-4223-82df-522be44c7af9',
[7] = '3edf9d1d-9439-49cf-a28f-0ea99e551ca0', [8] = 'e0ad9db3-730b-45e5-8c45-2daa8f08a419' }
-- before update
{ sprint = 'False', longitude = 138.234750179072, bearing = 48.5445709228516, latitude = 34.2548706829701, guid = 'e65feada-4529-4223-82df-522be44c7af9', type = 'Rotating', distance = 0.663772463798523 }
-- after update
{ sprint = 'False', longitude = 138.295780804378, bearing = 44.8684692382813, latitude = 34.3064951630114, guid = 'e65feada-4529-4223-82df-522be44c7af9', type = 'Fixed', distance = 4.99721479415894 }


Contact detection details


detector_guid string The GUID of the detecting unit
detect_sensor_guid string The GUID of the sensor on the detecting unit
age number Seconds since detection made
range number Estimated range at detect time
special_mode string Special detect mode. This identifies detection as special. The values, which should be self-explaining, are:
None, SubAssumedFromTorpedoDetection, SubAssumedFromMissileDetection, FlamingDatum, AutoDetection, MissileAssumedFromSemiActiveIllumination
local u = ScenEdit_GetContact( { side='united states', guid='Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEQFV13'} )

[1] = { detect_sensor_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGK6H', special_mode = None, detector_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGK6C', age = 0, range = 81.1426696777344 },
[2] = { detect_sensor_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGK6H', special_mode = None, detector_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGK6C', age = 0, range = 81.1426696777344 },
[3] = { detect_sensor_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGJVP', special_mode = None, detector_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGJVK', age = 0, range = 60.0935401916504 },
[48] = { detect_sensor_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGLD1', special_mode = None, detector_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGLCU', age = 1, range = 58.4287376403809 },
[49] = { detect_sensor_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGLH6', special_mode = None, detector_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGLH2', age = 1, range = 64.2896118164063 },
[50] = { detect_sensor_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGLH6', special_mode = None, detector_guid = 'Y5QK8V-0HM1KMFEOGLH2', age = 1, range = 64.2896118164063 }


A Position on the map, referred to with latitude (north/south) and longitude (east/west) coordinates. These can be represented in two forms, degrees minutes seconds, and decimal degrees. The Command Lua API supports both forms.

A set of latitude and longitude to define a point. Within the simulation, the values are recorded in decimal degrees.


latitude latitude
longitude longitude
au = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='B-1B Lancer', guid='0SOLWP-0HMB9OFB9A66F'})
{ [1] = { latitude = 38.477990037757, longitude = -130.951197534651 },
[2] = { latitude = 36.3838438349146, longitude = -133.491860024409} }


Information on a loadout to add/alter


UnitName string The name/GUID of the unit to change the loadout on
LoadoutID number The ID of the new loadout; 0 = use the current loadout
TimeToReady_Minutes number How many minutes until the loadout is ready (default = database loadout time) (_optional_)
IgnoreMagazines boolean If the new loadout should rely on the magazines having the right weapons ready (default = false) (_optional_)
ExcludeOptionalWeapons boolean Exclude optional weapons from loadout (default = false) (_optional_)
Wpn_DBID number Weapon DB number - required if WPN_GUID is not supplied
Wpn_GUID string Actual weapon to update - DBID is not required as this take precedence (_optional_)
Number number Number to change current weapon load by (sign ignored)
Remove boolean Deduct 'number' rather than add



Note: When dealing with a magazine in a unit, it may constist of one or more actual magazine 'blocks'. This is what is being referred to here, rather than the ONE magazine group for the unit/group.
A magazine on a mount as distint from a normal mgazine of multiple weapons does not have a mag_dbid value (=0).


mag_capacity string Capacity|Storage
mag_dbid string Database ID
mag_guid string GUID
mag_name string Name
mag_weapons WeaponLoaded Table of weapon loads in magazine
local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='LST 4001 Osumi', guid='8269b881-20ce-4f2e-baa0-6823e46d55a4'})
print( "Unit Magazines " .. "\r\n")
for k,v in pairs(u.magazines) do
local s = ''
s = s .. k .. " - " .. v.mag_name .. " with capacity of " .. v.mag_capacity .. ' units\r\n'
s = s .. "\t[ containing " .. #v.mag_weapons .. " weapon(s)]\r\n"
for k,v in pairs(v.mag_weapons) do
s = s .. "\t\t" .. v.wpn_name .. " with load " .. v.wpn_current .. " of " .. v.wpn_default .. '\r\n'

Unit Magazines

1 - 12.7mm/50 MGwith capacity of 200 units
[ containing 1 weapon(s)]
12.7mm/50 MG Burst [10 rnds] with load 180 of 200

2 - 20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1with capacity of 20 units
[ containing 1 weapon(s)]
20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 Burst [300 rnds] with load 20 of 20

3 - Helicopter Magazinewith capacity of 10000 units
[ containing 2 weapon(s)]
AGM-114M Hellfire II with load 24 of 24
Mk46 NEARTIP Mod 5 with load 40 of 40

4 - Mk36 SRBOCwith capacity of 80 units
[ containing 2 weapon(s)]
Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction] with load 2 of 64
Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction] with load 2 of 16

Compare the above example to the example in the wrapper Magazine.


MineClearMission options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()


OneThirdRule boolean
LoopType string Values of ContinousLoop(0) or SingleLoop(1)
TransitThrottleAircraft string
TransitAltitudeAircraft string
TransitTerrainFollowingAircraft boolean
TransitAltitudePreset string
UseTransitAltitudePreset True/False
StationThrottleAircraft string
StationAltitudeAircraft string
StationTerrainFollowingAircraft boolean
StationAltitudePreset string
UseStationAltitudePreset True/False
TransitThrottleSubmarine string
TransitDepthSubmarine string
TransitDepthSubmarinePreset string
UseTransitDepthSubmarine True/False
StationThrottleSubmarine string
StationDepthSubmarine string
StationDepthSubmarinePreset string
UseStationDepthSubmarine True/False
TransitThrottleShip string
StationThrottleShip string
FlightSize Size
MinAircraftReq string
UseFlightSize boolean
GroupSize Size
UseGroupSize boolean
Zone name or GUID Table of reference point names and/or GUIDs


MineMission. .. options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()


OneThirdRule boolean
TransitThrottleAircraft string
TransitAltitudeAircraft string
TransitTerrainFollowingAircraft boolean
TransitAltitudePreset string
UseTransitAltitudePreset True/False
StationThrottleAircraft string
StationAltitudeAircraft string
StationTerrainFollowingAircraft boolean
StationAltitudePreset string
UseStationAltitudePreset True/False
TransitThrottleSubmarine string
TransitDepthSubmarine string
TransitDepthSubmarinePreset string
UseTransitDepthSubmarinePreset True/False
StationThrottleSubmarine string
StationDepthSubmarine string
StationDepthSubmarinePreset string
UseStationDepthSubmarinePreset True/False
TransitThrottleShip string
StationThrottleShip string
FlightSize Size
Minaircraftreq string
UseFlightSize boolean
GroupSize Size
UseGroupSize boolean
Zone table Table of reference point names and/or GUIDs
Armingdelay time In format of 'days:hours:minutes:seconds' e.g. 1 day, 4 hours, 30 minutes would be '1:4:30:0'
MinesLaidInSet number Mines can be laid in a group/set of 'number' of mines, example lay mines in groups of 10. Default is all.
MinesLaidInterval number Interval in meters between mines. Default is normal safe distance.
MinesLaidSetInterval number Interval in meters between groups of mines. Default is none.
MinesLaidMethod number How mines are deployed, in a line (0) or randomly (1). Default is random.


A mount is similar to a magazine, but it refers to the actual loads on the weapon, rather than a storage area.


mount_dbid string Database ID
mount_GUID string GUID
mount_name string Name
mount_status string Status
mount_statusR string Reason why inoperative [if not operational]
mount_damage string Damage Severity [if not operational]
mount_weapons WeaponLoaded Table of weapon loads on mount
local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='LST 4001 Osumi', guid='8269b881-20ce-4f2e-baa0-6823e46d55a4'})
print( "Unit Mounts " )
for k,v in pairs(u.mounts) do
local s = ''
s = s .. k .. " - " .. v.mount_name .. " [ " .. v.mount_status .. ' ]\r\n'
s = s .. "\t[ containing " .. #v.mount_weapons .. " weapon(s) ]\r\n"
for k,v in pairs(v.mount_weapons) do
s = s .. "\t\t" .. v.wpn_name .. " with load " .. v.wpn_current .. " of " .. v.wpn_default .. '\r\n'

Unit Mounts
1 - 12.7mm/50 MG [ Operational ]
[ containing 1 weapon(s) ]
12.7mm/50 MG Burst [10 rnds] with load 10 of 10

2 - 12.7mm/50 MG [ Operational ]
[ containing 1 weapon(s) ]
12.7mm/50 MG Burst [10 rnds] with load 10 of 10

3 - 20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 CIWS [ Operational ]
[ containing 1 weapon(s) ]
20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 Burst [300 rnds] with load 5 of 5

4 - 20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 CIWS [ Operational ]
[ containing 1 weapon(s) ]
20mm/85 Mk15 Phalanx Blk 1 Burst [300 rnds] with load 5 of 5

5 - Mk36 SRBOC [ Operational ]
[ containing 2 weapon(s) ]
Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction] with load 4 of 4
Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction] with load 2 of 2

6 - Mk36 SRBOC [ Operational ]
[ containing 2 weapon(s) ]
Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction] with load 4 of 4
Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction] with load 2 of 2

7 - Mk36 SRBOC [ Operational ]
[ containing 2 weapon(s) ]
Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction] with load 4 of 4
Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction] with load 2 of 2

8 - Mk36 SRBOC [ Operational ]
[ containing 2 weapon(s) ]
Mk182 SRBOC Chaff [Seduction] with load 4 of 4
Mk186 TORCH Flare [Seduction] with load 2 of 2

Compare the above example to the example in thw wrapper Mount.


PatrolMission options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()


subtype string Subtype of mission (ASW = 'asw', ASuW_Naval = 'naval', AAW = 'aaw', ASuW_Land = 'land', ASuW_Mixed = 'mixed', SEAD = 'sead', SeaControl = 'sea')
OneThirdRule boolean True if activated
LoopType string Movement style: Random within area (0) or Repeatable loop (1)
CheckOPA boolean True if can investigate outside zones
CheckWWR boolean True if can investigate within weapon range
ActiveEMCON boolean True if active EMCON in patrol zone
TransitThrottleAircraft string
TransitAltitudeAircraft string
TransitTerrainFollowingAircraft boolean True if terrain following
TransitAltitudePreset string
UseTransitAltitudePreset True/False
StationThrottleAircraft string
StationAltitudeAircraft string
StationTerrainFollowingAircraft boolean True if terrain following
StationAltitudePreset string
UseStationAltitudePreset True/False
AttackThrottleAircraft string
AttackAltitudeAircraft string
AttackTerrainFollowingAircraft boolean True if terrain following
AttackAltitudePreset string
UseAttackAltitudePreset True/False
AttackDistanceAircraft string
TransitThrottleSubmarine string
TransitDepthSubmarine string
TransitDepthSubmarinePreset string
UseTransitDepthSubmarinePreset True/False
StationThrottleSubmarine string
StationDepthSubmarine string
StationDepthSubmarinePreset string
UseStationDepthSubmarinePreset True/False
AttackThrottleSubmarine string
AttackDepthSubmarine string
AttackDepthSubmarinePreset string
UseAttackDepthSubmarinePreset True/False
AttackDistanceSubmarine string
TransitThrottleShip string
StationThrottleShip string
AttackThrottleShip string
AttackDistanceShip string
FlightSize Size
MinAircraftReq string
UseFlightSize boolean True if min size required
GroupSize Size
UseGroupSize boolean True if min size required
ProsecutionZone name or GUID Table of reference point names and/or GUIDs
PatrolZone name or GUID Table of reference point names and/or GUIDs
FlightsToInvestigate string
FlightsToEngage string
WingmanEngageDistance string
BoatsToInvestigate string
BoatsToEngage string
GroupMemberEngageDistance string


Reference point information.
This data should reflect the corresponding wrapper. In several places, a table is used rather than references to the actual RP wrapper.
bearingtype bearingTypefixed = 0
rotating = 1
Type of bearing to 'relativeto' unit no value if no 'relativeto' unit
color string The HTML color code expressed as a number - convert to hex to check against a HTML color chart
guid string The unique identifier for the reference point
highlighted True/False True if the point should be selected
latitude Latitude The latitude of the reference point
locked True/False True if the point is locked
longitude Longitude The longitude of the reference point
name string The name of the reference point
relativeDistance number Relative distance of RP to 'relativeto' unit no value if no 'relativeto' unit
relativeBearing number Relative bearing ( 0 - 360) of RP to 'relativeto' unit no value if no 'relativeto' unit
relativeto Unit The unit that the reference point is relative to
side string The side the reference point is visible to




sensor_dbid number Database ID
sensor_guid string GUID
sensor_name string Name
sensor_maxrange number Maximum range
sensor_isactive True/False Active?
sensor_status string Status
sensor_role SensorRole Sensor role
sensor_type SensorType Sensor type
local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='LST 4001 Osumi', guid='8269b881-20ce-4f2e-baa0-6823e46d55a4'})
print( "Unit Sensor " )
for k,v in pairs(u.sensors) do
local s = ''
s = s .. k .. " - " .. v.sensor_name .. " [ " .. v.sensor_status .. ' ] Max Range: ' .. v.sensor_maxrange .. '\r\n'
s = s .. "\t[ Active: " .. string.format('%s',v.sensor_isactive) .. " , type: " .. v.sensor_type .. " role: " .. v.sensor_role .. "]\r\n"

Unit Sensor
1 - J/OPS-14C [ Operational ] Max Range: 120.0
[ Active: false , type: 2001 role: 2003]

2 - J/OPS-18A [ Operational ] Max Range: 40.0
[ Active: false , type: 2001 role: 2023]

3 - J/OPS-20 [ Operational ] Max Range: 25.0
[ Active: false , type: 2001 role: 2028]

4 - J/OPS-28C [ Operational ] Max Range: 110.0
[ Active: false , type: 2001 role: 2103]

5 - Mk1 Eyeball [ Operational ] Max Range: 50.0
[ Active: false , type: 2003 role: 2016]

6 - AN/VPS-2 Search/Track [Mk16 CWIS] [ Operational ] Max Range: 2.7000000476837
[ Active: false , type: 2001 role: 2133]

7 - AN/VPS-2 Search/Track [Mk16 CWIS] [ Operational ] Max Range: 2.7000000476837
[ Active: false , type: 2001 role: 2133]
local unit = SE_GetUnit({name='DDG 104 Sterett [Arleigh Burke Flight IIA]', guid='WT2BOY-0HN5INRGCHL31'})
for _,s in ipairs(unit.sensors) do
if string.find(s.sensor_name, 'SPY') then
print(s.sensor_name..' - Active: '..tostring(s.sensor_isactive))
if s.sensor_isactive == false then unit.sensors = {sensor_guid = s.sensor_guid, sensor_isactive = true } end


Signature profile by various detection methods


loadout number Loadout ID from database. Only applicable if unit is aircraft
... { type, typeN, text, rcs, sqm } Profile for each sonsor category

Sonsor category profile

type string Sensor category as text
typeN number Sensor category as number
text { front, side, rear } Profile as text similar to the internal DB viewer
rcs { front, side, rear } The raw profile values
sqm { front, side, rear } Square metre values
loadout = 19867
[2] = { text = { rear = '3.56 nm', front = '3.56 nm', side = '7.94 nm' }, rcs = { rear = 3.56, front = 3.56, side = 7.94 }, typeN = 3001, type = 'Visual_Detect' },
[3] = { text = { rear = '3.26 nm', front = '1.90 nm', side = '4.30 nm' }, rcs = { rear = 3.26, front = 1.9, side = 4.3 }, typeN = 3002, type = 'Visual_ID' },
[4] = { text = { rear = '11.94 nm', front = '3.56 nm', side = '8.00 nm' }, rcs = { rear = 11.9425, front = 3.56, side = 7.9985 }, typeN = 4001, type = 'IR_Detect' },
[5] = { text = { rear = '1.90 nm', front = '1.90 nm', side = '4.30 nm' }, rcs = { rear = 1.9, front = 1.9, side = 4.3 }, typeN = 4002, type = 'IR_ID' },
[6] = { text = { rear = '9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.', front = '9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.', side = '11.15 dBsm, 13.0 sq.m.' }, typeN = 5001, rcs = { rear = 9.03988, front = 9.03988, side = 11.14721 }, sqm = { rear = 8.016566, front = 8.016566, side = 13.023313 }, type = 'Radar_A_D' },
[7] = { text = { rear = '9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.', front = '9.04 dBsm, 8.0 sq.m.', side = '11.15 dBsm, 13.0 sq.m.' }, typeN = 5002, rcs = { rear = 9.03988, front = 9.03988, side = 11.14721 }, sqm = { rear = 8.016566, front = 8.016566, side = 13.023313 }, type = 'Radar_E_M' },


StrikeMission options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission(). Note that these are split between the escorts and strikers


subtype string Subtype of mission (Air_Intercept = 'air', Land_Strike = 'land', Maritime_Strike = 'sea', Sub_Strike = 'sub')
EscortFlightSizeShooter Size
EscortMinShooter number
EscortMaxShooter number
EscortResponseRadius number
EscortUseFlightSize boolean True if minimum size required
EscortFlightSizeNonshooter Size
EscortMinNonshooter number
EscortMaxNonshooter number
EscortGroupSize Size
EscortUseGroupSize boolean True if minimum size required
StrikeOneTimeOnly boolean True if activated
StrikeMinimumTrigger string
StrikeMax number
StrikeFlightSize Size
StrikeMinAircraftReq number
StrikeUseFlightSize boolean True if minimum size required
StrikeGroupSize Size
StrikeUseGroupSize boolean True if minimum size required
StrikeAutoPlanner boolean True if activated
StrikePreplan boolean True if pre-planned target list only
StrikeRadarUasge number Radar usage
StrikeMinDistAircraft number Strike minimum distance
StrikeMaxDistAircraft number Strike maximum distance
StrikeMinDistShip number Strike minimum distance
StrikeMaxDistShip number Strike maximum distance
FlightsToInvestigate string
FlightsToEngage string
WingmanEngageDistance string
BoatsToInvestigate string
BoatsToEngage string
GroupMemberEngageDistance string
PrePlannedOnly boolean True , mission will RTB upon target being destroyed (same as StrikePreplan)
FocusOnStrike boolean True, focus entirely on striking targets


SupportMission options; these are updated by ScenEdit_SetMission()


OneThirdRule boolean
TransitThrottleAircraft string
TransitAltitudeAircraft string
TransitTerrainFollowingAircraft boolean
TransitAltitudePreset string
UseTransitAltitudePreset True/False
StationThrottleAircraft string
StationAltitudeAircraft string
StationTerrainFollowingAircraft boolean
StationAltitudePreset string
UseStationAltitudePreset True/False
TransitThrottleSubmarine string
TransitDepthSubmarine string
TransitDepthSubmarinePreset string
UseTransitDepthSubmarinePreset True/False
StationThrottleSubmarine string
StationDepthSubmarine string
StationDepthSubmarinePreset string
UseStationDepthSubmarinePreset True/False
TransitThrottleShip string
StationThrottleShip string
FlightSize Size
MinAircraftReq string
UseFlightSize True/False
GroupSize Size
UseGroupSize boolean
Zone name or GUID Table of reference point names and/or GUIDs
LoopType string Navigation type: Continous loop (0) or Single loop (1)
OnStation string
OneTimeOnly boolean
ActiveEMCON boolean
TankerOneTime boolean
TankerMaxReceivers string


List of unit or contact guids.


guid string The GUID of the unit.
name string The name of the unit.

Doctrine Target Priority

Target priority list format for the Doctrine wrapper.


unit_type Unit Type The general unit type. Only the default priority entry may have unit type 0 (any unit type.)
unit_subtype number The unit subtype, based off unit type. 0 = any sub-type. Aircraft subtype Ship subtype Submarine subtype Fixed facility category Ground/Mobile facility category Weapon type
isfixedfacilitysubtype True/False For facility unit_type only, TRUE indicates that unit_subtype is a fixed facility category. Otherwise unit_subtype is a Mobile unit category.
dbid number The database ID of the specific unit class. 0 = any class.
priority number 0 = delayed, 1 = default, 2 = immediate


WRA (Weapon Release Authority) settings


weapon_dbid string Weapon DB number
weapon_name string Weapon name
qty_salvo string Weapons per salvo ('Max','None' or a number)
shooter_salvo string Shooters per salvo ('Max','None' or a number)
firing_range string Firing range ('Max','None' or a number)
self_defence string Self-defence range ('Max','None' or a number)

Note: The absence of a field implies that it is not used or being changed.


Weapon loads on mount, in magazine or in loadout.


wpn_guid string GUID
wpn_current number Current loads available
wpn_maxcap number Maximum loads
wpn_default number Default loads (to fill out)
wpn_name string Weapon name
wpn_dbid number Database ID of weapon
wpn_type WeaponType Type of weapon


Weather conditions.


temp number Temperature (average for GetWeather(), or time-of-day for unit/contact)
rainfall number Rainfall rate
undercloud number Fraction under cloud
seastate number Sea state