
These objects define the information that is exposed by Lua from Command. They are returned by some functions or may be accessed from other wrappers.
This information can be usually modified either directly (object.field) or by a wrapper ScenEdit_Setxxx( {..field=....} ) function.
The wrapper ScenEdit_Setxxx(..) function is preferred as normally there is some validation on the 'field' performed to ensure that it is within the bounds of the field being updated.
A list of the property names of a wrapper can be obtained by a query on the 'object.fields'. This is handy sometimes to see what is available in case the WIKI is not up to date.
For each property or method, the first 2 items are the field name and data type respectively.
There are 2 additional items indicating if the field can be set or read respectively.
The script below dumps out the property and method details; the property detail shows the values held in the wrapper as a reference to assist with building scripts.

local a = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name='DD 101 Murasame', guid='a1a52edf-3541-4b55-bea4-58d4e1ab11dc'})
print(a.fields) -- shows dump of all the property and method names associated with this wrapper
-- show the values of each of the properties in the 'unit' wrapper
for k,v in pairs(a.fields) do
 if string.find(k,'property_') ~= nil then -- is a property
   --print("\r\n" .. v)
   local vt = {}
   local i = 0
   for w in string.gmatch(v,'%g+[^, ]') do
    vt[i] = w

  print("\r\n[object] = " .. string.sub(vt[0],2) ) -- property name
  if vt[3] == 'True' then -- can the property be read
   print( a[ string.sub(vt[0],2) ] ) -- value of property
   print( 'no get function' ) -- value of property

Note on the 'Type' column below.
When the type refers to a table { item } and there can be more than one item in the table, the table entry will appear as { item, ... } to indicate that one or more 'items' can be present. Else only one 'item' is expected unless the table is empty.


The cargo information being held in a unit.

guid string READ ONLY
type CargoObjectType The type of cargo object READ ONLY
storageType CargoStorageType The type of cargo storage READ ONLY
dbid number The DBID of the cargo READ ONLY
name number The name of the cargo READ ONLY
requiredSize CargoType The size READ ONLY
requiredMass number The mass metric tons READ ONLY
requiredArea number The area sq m READ ONLY
requiredPAX number The PAX (Crew Space) READ ONLY
requiredAreaAsStored number The area READ ONLY
requiredPAXAsStored number The PAX READ ONLY
isParadropCapable True/False Can be dropped by parachute READ ONLY
unit Unit The unit holding cargo READ ONLY
containerCargo { name, Type, dbid, guid, area,pax,mass,
  [fuelType, fuelQuantity,]
  [weaponDBID, weaponQuantity]] }
Table of items held as cargo inside container READ ONLY
createContainerContentCustom method(name, size, mass, area, volume) Returns { cargo }
createContainerContentFuel method(fuelType, fuelLiters) Returns { cargo }
createContainerContentAmmunition method(weaponDBID, quantity) Returns { cargo }
deleteContainerContents method(contentGuid) Returns True if successful


This is from the perspective of the side being looked at. What is a contact for one side, may not be the same contact on another side.
Note also the GUID of the contact is not the same as the actual unit. So depending on what functions you call, you may need to 'convert' the contact 'GUID' into the actual 'GUID' and call ScenEdit_GetUnit() to process the actual GUID.

actualunitdbid number The Actual unit DB id based on detection classification, else 0 READ ONLY
actualunitid string The actual unit GUID of this contact, else "" READ ONLY
age number The number of seconds this contact has been detected for READ ONLY
altitude number The current Altitude of this contact if known, else nil READ ONLY
areaofuncertainty { LatLon, ... } Table of LatLon points defining the area of contact READ ONLY
BDA { FIRES, FLOOD, STRUCTURAL } Battle Damage Assessment on this contact, else nil READ ONLY
classificationlevel ContactIdStatus The Level of classification on this contact READ ONLY
detectedBySide Side The side who actually detected this contact (instead of having it shared by someone else) READ ONLY
detectionBy { Visual, Infrared, Radar,
ESM, SonarActive, SonarPassive }
How long ago was this contact detected by these sensor types READ ONLY
Not all sensor types need to be present
emissions { Emissions, ... } Table of detected emmissions from this contact, else nil if no detected emissions READ ONLY
FilterOut True/False Is this contact filtered out?
firedOn { string, ... } Table of unit guids that are firing on this contact, else nil if none READ ONLY
(Note that the starting idex of this table is '0' rather than '1' as normal Lua tables)
firingAt { string, ... } Table of contact guids that this contact is firing at, else nil if none READ ONLY
(Note that the starting idex of this table is '0' rather than '1' as normal Lua tables)
fromside Side The side who 'owns' this contact, else nil READ ONLY
guid string This contact identifying GUID READ ONLY
heading number This contact's Heading if known, else nil READ ONLY
lastDetections { LastDetections, ... } Table of recent detections on this contact, else nil if none READ ONLY
latitude Latitude The suspected latitude of this contact READ ONLY
longitude Longitude The suspected longitude of this contact READ ONLY
markedAsDecoy True/False Marked as a decoy contact for 'fromside'
missile_defence number Applicable to Facility and Ships. If the classification level is 'known class' or higher, show Missile Defence from database, else -1 for unknown contact READ ONLY
name string This contact name
observer Side The contact's original detecting side or nil if it is the same as requesting side
This tells if the contact was shared from another side
observer_posture Stance(letter) The Posture from the perspective of the original detector of this contact
posture Stance(letter) The Posture from the perspective of the owner of this contact
potentialmatches { EMmatch, ... } Table of potential EMCON emission matches for this contact READ ONLY
side Side This Contact actual side if known, else nil READ ONLY
speed number This Contact Speed if known, else nil READ ONLY
targetedBy { string, ... } Table of unit guids that have this contact as a target but necessarily firing on it, else nil if none READ ONLY
(Note that the starting idex of this table is '0' rather than '1' as normal Lua tables)
type ContactType This Contact type string READ ONLY
type_description string This Contact description based on detection classification READ ONLY
typed number The ContactType of this contact as a number READ ONLY
weather { Weather } Table of weather parameters at this Contact location, else nil READ ONLY
DropContact method() Drops this contact from the perspective side (who is looking at this contact)
inArea method({ area }) Is this contact in the 'area' defined by a table of RPs Returns True if in the area



Doctrine options. These are used by the Set/Get_Doctrine commands currently.
Generally, the 'doctrine' object returned by the functions will only show the items that are not set to 'inherit'.
The 'side' doctrine will return all items as that is the top level parent and is not inherited.

For each field, adding the suffix "_player_editable" determines if the player can alter the setting. Not applicable to the Withdraw/Deploy options.

When there is a string(number) option, the indicated string or it's number can be used.

air_operations_tempo valueSurge = 0
Sustained = 1
Tempo of operations Surge is the normal mode. There may be a 'sustained' turnaround time on some loadouts.
automatic_evasion True/False True if the unit should automatically evade
avoid_contact valueNo = 0
Yes_ExceptSelfDefence = 1
Yes_Always = 2
How should 'detection' be treated
bvr_logic valueStraightIn = 0
Crank = 1
Drag = 2
BVR (Beyond-visual-range) behaviour
deploy_on_attack valueIgnore = 0
Exhausted = 1
Percent25 = 2
Percent50 = 3
Percent75 = 4
Percent100 = 5
LoadFullWeapons = 6
Level of attacking weapons remaining to allow deployment
deploy_on_damage valueIgnore = 0
Percent5 = 1
Percent25 = 2
Percent50 = 3
Percent75 = 4
Level of damage remaining to allow deployment
deploy_on_defence valueIgnore = 0
Exhausted = 1
Percent25 = 2
Percent50 = 3
Percent75 = 4
Percent100 = 5
LoadFullWeapons = 6
Level of defending weapons remaining to allow deployment
deploy_on_fuel valueIgnore = 0
Bingo = 1
Percent25 = 2
Percent50 = 3
Percent75 = 4
Percent100 = 5
Level of fuel remaining to allow deployment
dipping_sonar valueAutomatically_HoverAnd150ft = 0
ManualAndMissionOnly = 1
Dipping sonar behaviour
dive_on_threat valueYes = 0
Yes_ESM_Only = 1
Yes_Ships20nm_Aircraft30nm = 2
No = 3
Should sub dive when threatened
emcon { radar, sonar, oecm } The EMCON status (acive [1]/passive [0])
engage_non_hostile_targets True/False True if the unit should attempt hostile action against units that are not hostile
engage_opportunity_targets True/False True if the unit should take opportunistic shots
engaging_ambiguous_targets AmbiguousTtargets How is the ambiguosity of the target treated? Is the target location good enough to shoot at?
fuel_state_planned JokerFuelLevel Planned action when fuel is at ...
fuel_state_rtb OnFuelRTB Action to take when RTB initiated due to fuel
gun_strafing valueNo = 0
Yes = 1
Can gun straffing be used
ignore_emcon_while_under_attack True/False True if EMCON should be ignored and all systems should go active when engaged
ignore_plotted_course True/False True if the unit should ignore plotted course when attacking/investigating
jettison_ordnance valueNo = 0
Yes = 1
Can ordnance be jettison
kinematic_range_for_torpedoes valueAutomaticAndManualFire = 0
ManualFireOnly = 1
No = 2
Use the maximum range for torpedoes?
maintain_standoff True/False True if the unit should try to avoid approaching its target Only valid for ships, subs and some facilities attacking surface/land targets
quick_turnaround_for_aircraft valueYes = 0
FightersAndASW = 1
No = 2
Can aircraft be used for 'quick turnaround' Shorter time between loadout reloads before longer down time
recharge_on_attack BatteryRecharge Level to recharge batteries while engaged
recharge_on_patrol BatteryRecharge Level to recharge batteries while on patrol
refuel_unrep_allied UNREP Allies Can Allied uniits be replenished
rtb_when_winchester True/False True if the unit should return to base when out of weapons Obsolete, see the new doctrine options
use_aip valueNo = 0
Yes_AttackOnly = 1
Yes_Always = 2
Use AIP (Air-independent propulsion) if present
use_nuclear_weapons True/False True if the unit should be able to employ nuclear weapons
use_refuel_unrep UNREP How is underway replenishment used
use_sams_in_anti_surface_mode True/False True if SAMs can be used to engage surface targets
use_wp_missile_in_anti_surface_mode True/False True if missile WP are used to engage surface targets
weapon_control_status_air WCS Weapon control for engaging air units
weapon_control_status_land WCS Weapon control for engaging land units
weapon_control_status_subsurface WCS Weapon control for engaging subsurface units
weapon_control_status_surface WCS Weapon control for engaging surface units
weapon_state_planned WeaponDoctrine Planned action when weapons are at ...
weapon_state_rtb OnWeaponRTB Action to take when RTB initiated due to weapons
withdraw_on_attack valueIgnore = 0
Exhausted = 1
Percent25 = 2
Percent50 = 3
Percent75 = 4
Percent100 = 5
Level of attacking weapons to cause withdrawal
withdraw_on_damage valueIgnore = 0
Percent5 = 1
Percent25 = 2
Percent50 = 3
Percent75 = 4
Level of damage to cause withdrawal
withdraw_on_defence valueIgnore = 0
Exhausted = 1
Percent25 = 2
Percent50 = 3
Percent75 = 4
Percent100 = 5
Level of defending weapons to cause withdrawal
withdraw_on_fuel valueIgnore = 0
Bingo = 1
Percent25 = 2
Percent50 = 3
Percent75 = 4
Percent100 = 5
Level of fuel to cause withdrawal
TargetPriority { TargetPriority } Target priority list READ ONLY
deleteTargetPriorityEntry method(index) Returns { TargetPriority }
addTargetPriorityEntry method(type, subtype, isfixedfacilitysubtype, dbid, index) Returns { TargetPriority }



Weapon Release Authority Doctrine options as defined by the combination of target type and weapon.
Options can not be changed thru the wrapper.
level string The doctrine selected (at unit/mission/side) - useful Is just using GUIDs [info]
target_type TargetTypeWRA Type of applicable target
wra_? { WRA } The WRA weapon settings for the various weapon systems



Event details
actions table The details of the actions in event READ ONLY
conditions table The details of the conditions in event READ ONLY
description string The event description/name.
details table The complete details of the event in one table. The triggers/conditions/actions tables are repeated within this. READ ONLY
guid string The event GUID. READ ONLY
isActive Yes/No The event is active
isRepeatable True/False The event repeats
isShown True/False The event shows on log
name string The event name (currently not used).
probability string The event chance to occur (0-100)
triggers table The details of the triggers in event READ ONLY



Group details.
doctrine Doctrine READ ONLY
guid string READ ONLY
lead string Group leader guid
name string Group/unit name
side string Name of the group sideREAD ONLY
type string Type of group READ ONLY
unitlist { string, ... } A table of unit GUIDs assigned to group. READ ONLY



dbid string ID from database
name string Name of loadout
roles { role, TOD, weather } Table of the loadout usage
weapons { WeaponLoaded, ... } Table of weapons in loadout
setExactWeaponQuantity method( guid, quantity) Sets the current load of the weapon defined by 'guid' to the value 'quantity'





armor number Armor rating on magazine
capacity number Total capacity of magazine
dbid number Database ID
guid string GUID of magazine
isaviationmagazine True/False Is this an Aviation magazine?
name string Name of magazine
parentunitguid string Parent guid of unit supporting this magazine
rof number Magazine reload time
weapons { WeaponLoaded, ... } Table of weapon loads in magazine
setExactWeaponQuantity method( guid, quantity) Sets the current load of the weapon defined by 'guid' to the value 'quantity'



Standard Mission Options

aar { AAR } A table of the air-to-air refueling options. READ ONLY
assignedCargo { CargoItem, ... } Table of CargoItems assigned to be moved by this mission. READ ONLY
doctrine Doctrine READ ONLY
endtime DateTime Time mission ends
guid string The GUID of the mission. READ ONLY
isactive True/False True if mission is currently active
name string Name of mission
OnDeactivateUassign True/False 'On mission deactivation unassign units' tick box
OnDeactivateRTB True/False 'On mission deactivation RTB units' tick box
OnDeactivateDelete True/False 'On mission deactivation delete mission' tick box
side string Mission belongs to side
starttime DateTime Time mission starts
SISH True/False 'Scrub if side human' tick box
targetlist { string, ... } A table of target GUIDs assigned to mission. READ ONLY
TakeOffTime DateTime Time mission flights take off
TimeOnTargetStation DateTime Time mission expects flights to be at target or on station
type MissionClassNone = 0
Strike = 1
Patrol = 2
Support = 3
Ferry = 4
Mining = 5
MineClearing = 6
Escort = 7
Cargo = 8
Mission class. READ ONLY
typeS string Mission class as a string
unitlist { string, ... } A table of unit GUIDs assigned to mission. READ ONLY
packagelist table A table with the missions in a task pool (only if wrapper is a taskpool)
parentTaskPool string GUID of the parent taskpool (only if wrapper is a package
cargomission { CargoMission } A table of the mission specific options. READ ONLY
ferrymission { FerryMission } A table of the mission specific options. READ ONLY
mineclearmission { MineClearMission } A table of the mission specific options. READ ONLY
minemission { MineMission } A table of the mission specific options. READ ONLY
strikemission { StrikeMission } A table of the mission specific options. READ ONLY
supportmission { SupportMission } A table of the mission specific options. READ ONLY
patrolmission { PatrolMission } A table of the mission specific options. READ ONLY
addAssignedCargo method(CargoObjectType, dbid, guid) Add a non-mount cargo item to assigned cargo Returns { CargoItem }
removeAssignedCargo method(CargoObjectType, dbid, guid) Remove a non-mount cargo item from assigned cargo Returns { CargoItem }
addAssignedCargoMount method(dbid, quantity) Add a mount cargo item to assigned cargo Returns { CargoItem }
removeAssignedCargoMount method(dbid, quantity) Remove a mount cargo item from assigned cargo Returns { CargoItem }


Amphibious & Operation Planner Related Options

PriorityWeight integer How important this mission is (0 = most important); affects multi-mission units assignment dynamic.
OperationName string Used to organize mission into groups, it is an informational element shown on the operation planner UI
Completion number From 0.0 to 1.0, it designates how complete this mission is. This value is mostly unused in most cases at the moment and should be ignored.
Phase phaseNone = 9999
Auto = 0
Completed = 10
Active = 20
OnHold = 30
The phase as interpreted by the operation planner, this rules the whole dynamic in the operation planner and the assignment of multi-mission units.
MissionStartTrigger_Time integer The H +/- time condition (in seconds) for the start trigger.
MissionStartTrigger_Time_Enabled True/False Is this trigger used or not ?
MissionStartTrigger_Time_LastResult True/False What was the result of the trigger when it last ran ?
MissionStartTrigger_Time_Operator True/False The trigger's operator. True = 'AND', False = 'OR'
MissionStartTrigger_MissionCompleted { string, ... } The condition for the trigger, defined as all the missions (GUID) that need to be completed (phase as "satisfied") for the trigger to check.
MissionStartTrigger_MissionCompleted_Enabled True/False Is this trigger used or not ?
MissionStartTrigger_MissionCompleted_LastResult True/False What was the result of the trigger when it last ran ?
MissionStartTrigger_MissionCompleted_Operator True/False The trigger's operator. True = 'AND', False = 'OR'
MissionStartTrigger_LUADescription string The label of the lua script as an indicator of its purpose
MissionStartTrigger_LUA string The lua script to be executed for this trigger conditions, must return a boolean as a condition result.
MissionStartTrigger_LUA_Enabled True/False Is this trigger used or not ?
MissionStartTrigger_LUA_LastResult True/False What was the result of the trigger when it last ran ?
MissionStartTrigger_LUA_Operator True/False The trigger's operator. True = 'AND', False = 'OR'
MissionCompletedTrigger_ElapsedTime integer The elapsed time (in seconds) since mission execution for the trigger's condition to return true.
MissionCompletedTrigger_ElapsedTime_Current integer The current elapsed time (in seconds).
MissionCompletedTrigger_ElapsedTime_Enabled True/False Is this trigger used or not ?
MissionCompletedTrigger_ElapsedTime_LastResult True/False What was the result of the trigger when it last ran ?
MissionCompletedTrigger_ElapsedTime_Operator True/False The trigger's operator. True = 'AND', False = 'OR'
MissionCompletedTrigger_LUADescription string The label of the lua script as an indicator of its purpose
MissionCompletedTrigger_LUA string The lua script to be executed for this trigger conditions, must return a boolean as a condition result.
MissionCompletedTrigger_LUA_Enabled True/False Is this trigger used or not ?
MissionCompletedTrigger_LUA_LastResult True/False What was the result of the trigger when it last ran ?
MissionCompletedTrigger_LUA_Operator True/False The trigger's operator. True = 'AND', False = 'OR'


A mount consistes of weapon(s) and the actual loads on them , rather than in a storage area.


armor number Armor rating on mount
capacity number Total capacity of mount
dbid number Database ID
guid string GUID of mount
rof number Mount reload time
weapons { WeaponLoaded, ... } Table of weapon loads on mount
setExactWeaponQuantity method( guid, quantity) Sets the current load of the weapon defined by 'guid' to the value 'quantity'



The ‘Operation’ object can be fetched from the side object. There is only one operation object per side.

LHourMission Mission The mission designated to start at L-Hour. As soon as the L-Hour is reached, the mission will change phase to “Running”.
HHourMission Mission The mission designated to start at H-Hour. As soon as the H-Hour is reached, the mission will change phase to “Running”.
HHour string The time set as H-Hour.
LHour string The time set as L-Hour.
HHourEffectiveStartTime string The effective time at which the H-Hour started counting. Sometimes the actual H-Hour can be different from the one planned initially, or in the past. READ ONLY
LHourEffectiveStartTime string The effective time at which the L-Hour started counting. Sometimes the actual L-Hour can be different from the one planned initially, or in the past. READ ONLY
H_LHourAreRelative True/False Whether or not the H-Hour and the L-Hour have a static time delta.
With this option on TRUE, the H-hour and L-hour will always have the same time difference and will adjust automatically when changing either the H-Hour or the L-Hour


Reference point information.
bearingtype bearingTypefixed = 0
rotating = 1
Type of bearing to 'relativeto' unit no value if no 'relativeto' unit
color string The HTML color code expressed as a number - convert to hex to check against a HTML color chart
guid string The unique identifier for the reference point
highlighted True/False True if the point should be selected
latitude Latitude The latitude of the reference point
locked True/False True if the point is locked
longitude Longitude The longitude of the reference point
name string The name of the reference point
relativeDistance number Relative distance of RP to 'relativeto' unit no value if no 'relativeto' unit
relativeBearing number Relative bearing ( 0 - 360) of RP to 'relativeto' unit no value if no 'relativeto' unit
relativeto Unit The unit that the reference point is relative to
relativeto_type UnitType The type of unit being used for the relative to part (contact, rp, or type on actual unit)
side string The side the reference point is visible to



Details of the current scenario. Note the mixed case of the field names.

CampaignID string Campaign guid
CampaignSessionID string Current campaign session id
CampaignScore number Current campaign score
Complexity number Complexity rating
CurrentTime number Current scenario time as a number (of seconds) equivalent
CurrentTime string Current scenario time
DBUsed string Name of database being used
Difficulty number Difficulty rating
Duration string Length of scenario as days:hours:minutes:seconds
DurationNum number Length of scenario as a number (of seconds) equivalent
FileName string Name of the scenario file (.scen/.save)
guid string Current scenario GUID
HasStarted True/False Scenario in play
InCampaignMode True/False Currently in campaign mode
PlayerSide string Current player side GUID
SaveVersion string Game version last saved under
ScenDate number Year of settings
ScenSetting string The setting of the scenario
Sides number Number of sides in scenario
StartTime string Starting time
StartTimeNum number Starting time as a number (of seconds) equivalent
Title string Title of the scenario
TimeCompression number Compression mode
ResetLossExp method() Clears the loss and expenditure logs in scenario
ResetScore method() Clears the score and log in scenario



Some details of a sensor device


altitudes { min, max } Returns a table of altitudes
dbid string The DBID of the sensor.
guid string The GUID of the sensor.
MaxElevationAngle number The maximum elevation of the sensor (applicable to Satellite)PRO ONLY
MinElevationAngle number The minimum elevation of the sensor (applicable to Satellite)PRO ONLY
name string The name of the sensor.
role string The role of the sensor (e.g. 3D Air Search - Medium Range).
ranges { min, max } Returns a table of ranges
scaninterval number The scanning interval of the sensor. READ ONLY unless PRO ONLY
type string The high-level type of sensor.
IsPreciseCheck method( detector, detected) Returns True/False
RangeAgainstTarget method( detector, detected) Returns a table of { maxIR, MaxVisual } as max range between units for IR and Visual

Caution: The GUID returned here is the GUID of the individual sensor component, not the GUID of the parent unit.


Serials/Chalks can be fetched from the side object the name of the collection is “Chalks”.

ID ID The serial’s visible ID.
AssociatedMothership string The GUID of the mothership this chalk is associated to.READ ONLY
LargestCargoType LargestCargoTypeNoCargo = 0
Personnel = 1000
SmallCargo = 2000
MediumCargo = 3000
LargeCargo = 4000
VLargeCargo = 5000
Get the largest cargo this serial currently contains. READ ONLY
Mass number The total mass of the serial.READ ONLY
Area number The total area taken by the serial.READ ONLY
PAX number The total personnel this serial contains.READ ONLY


Side perspective

awareness Awareness READ ONLY
Chalks { Serial, ... } Table of serials within the Chalk.READ ONLY
contacts { UnitList } Table of current contacts for the designated side. The 'guid' in table are contact references READ ONLY
doctrine Doctrine READ ONLY
customenvironmentzones { { giud, description, name }, ... } Table of Zone identifiers for the designated side READ ONLY Use the method 'getcustomenvironmentzone' to get specific details of the zone
exclusionzones { { giud, description, name }, ... } Table of Zone identifiers for the designated side READ ONLY Use the method 'getexclusionzone' to get specific details of the zone
expenditures { {type,dbid,name,number}, ... } A table of expenditure to date
guid string The GUID of the side.
hasmines True/False READ ONLY
losses { {type,dbid,name,number}, ... } A table of losses to date
missions { Mission, ... } A table of missions on the side
name string The name of the side.
nonavzones { { giud, description, name }, ... } Table of Zone identifiers for the designated side READ ONLY Use the method 'getnonavzone' to get specific details of the zone
Operation Operation READ ONLY
proficiency Proficiency READ ONLY
rps { RP, ... } RPs for the designated side READ ONLY
units { UnitList } Table of units for the designated side. READ ONLY
standardzones { { giud, description, name }, ... } Table of Zone identifiers for the designated side READ ONLY Use the method 'getstandardzone' to get specific details of the zone
contactsBy method(UnitType) Returns table UnitList of current contacts filtered by type of unit or nil.
getcustomenvironmentzone method(ZoneGUID|ZoneName|ZoneDescription) Returns matching Zone or nil
getexclusionzone method(ZoneGUID|ZoneName|ZoneDescription) Returns matching Zone or nil
getnonavzone method(ZoneGUID|ZoneName|ZoneDescription) Returns matching Zone or nil
getstandardzone method(ZoneGUID|ZoneName|ZoneDescription) Returns matching Zone or nil
unitsBy method(UnitType[[,Category],Subtype]) Returns table UnitList of units , optionally filtered or nil.
unitsInArea method({Area[,TargetFilter]}) Returns table UnitList of units in area, optionally filtered


Special action

Special action details
description string The event GUID.
guid string The event GUID. READ ONLY
isActive True/False The event is active
isRepeatable True/False The event repeats
name string The event name.
ScriptText string The Lua script
side string The side GUID



Represents an active unit.

AI_EvaluateTargets_enabled True/False AI evaluates targets
AI_DeterminePrimaryTarget_enabled True/False AI determines primary target
airbornetime datetime how long aircraft has been flying as "days:hours:minutes:seconds". READ ONLY
airbornetime_v number how long aircraft has been flying in seconds. READ ONLY
AllowMultiMission True/False Is the mission allowed to have multiple missions assigned to it and will it be considered by the operation planner logic ?
altitude number The altitude of the unit in meters.
areaTriggersFired { string, ... } Table of active 'in area' triggers (GUID) that have fired for unit
ascontact { {side, guid, name}, ... } A table of how this unit is seen from the other sides (as contacts). READ ONLY
AssignedMissionsQueue { mission_guid, ... } The list of missions assigned to this unit. This is the missions the operation planner evaluate every tick.
assignedUnits { Boats, Aircraft } Table of boats and aircraft GUID assigned to the unit (base).
autodetectable True/False True if the unit is automatically detected.
avoidCavitation True/False Avoid cavitation 'True/False'
base Unit The unit's assigned base.
beingPickedUp True/False unit is marked to be pickedup
cargo { Cargo, ... } Unit's current cargo
category String The unit category code (as a string rather than a number) for the Aircraft, Facility, Ship, Submarine or Satellite.
classname string Unit class name READ ONLY
components { Component, ... } A table of components on the unit. READ ONLY
condition string Message on unit dock/air ops status. READ ONLY
condition_v string Docking/Air Ops condition value. READ ONLY
course WayPoint The unit's course, as a table of waypoints (latitude,longitude)
crew number crew size (nil if not defined) READ ONLY
Table of start and current DP, flood and fire level, and the damage percentage of unit. READ ONLY
doctrine Doctrine READ ONLY
dbid number The database ID of the unit READ ONLY
desiredHeading number unit desired heading to go to
desiredPitch number unit desired pitch to go to if is controlable else nil
desiredRoll number unit desired roll to go to
embarkedUnits { Boats, Aircraft } Table of boats and aircraft GUID docked/embarked on the unit
currentExhaustion time Number of seconds toward exhaustion limit
maxExhaustion time Maximum seconds before exhaustion.
firedOn { string, ... } Table of guids that are firing on this unit
(Note that the starting idex of this table is '0' rather than '1' as normal Lua tables)
firingAt { string, ... } Table of contact guids that this unit is firing at
(Note that the starting idex of this table is '0' rather than '1' as normal Lua tables)
formation { Formation, ... } Table of unit's formation info {bearing, type (of bearing), distance, sprint (and drift)
fuel { Fuel, ... } A table of fuel types used by unit based on the type of fuel as the index.
fuels { Fuel, ... } A table of fuels used by unit.
fuelstate string Message on unit fuel status. READ ONLY
groundSpeed number aircraft or missile speed READ ONLY
group Group The unit's group.
If setting the group, use a text name of an existing group
or a new name to create a group.
To remove unit from a group, use "none" as the name.
groupLead set: string or get: Unit wrapper The group lead if a group.
If setting the group lead, use the name or GUID of the new lead unit.
guid string The unit's unique ID. READ ONLY
heading number The unit's heading .
holdfire {air, surface, subsurface, land} Doctrine WCS setting READ ONLY
holdposition True/False True if the unit should hold.
hostFacility Facility Where unit is hosted
IsBallisticMissile True/False is weapon a Ballistic Weapon READ ONLY
IsDecoy True/False is weapon a decoy READ ONLY
IsDestroyed True/False is unit destroyed (present until object purged) READ ONLY
isEscort True/False is unit asssigned to escort in mission READ ONLY
IsLoadedAsCargo True/False is unit being transferred as cargo READ ONLY
IsMine True/False is weapon a mine READ ONLY
IsNuke True/False is weapon a nuke READ ONLY
isSinking True/False is ship is sinking (which means it will still show as an 'active' unit READ ONLY
isOperating True/False is unit is operational, not landed or docked READ ONLY
IsUnguidedBallisticWeapon True/False is weapon a Unguided Ballistic Weapon READ ONLY
jammed True/False unit is being jammed READ ONLY
jammer True/False unit is acting as a jammer READ ONLY
latitude Latitude The latitude of the unit.
loadoutdbid number current aircraft loadout DBID. READ ONLY
longitude Longitude The longitude of the unit .
magazines { Magazine, ... } A table of magazines (with weapon loads) in the unit or group.
Can be updated by ScenEdit_AddWeaponToUnitMagazine READ ONLY
manualAltitude string or number Desired altitude/depth or 'OFF' to turn off manual mode
manualSpeed string or number Desired speed or 'OFF' to turn off manual mode
mission Mission The unit's assigned mission.
Can be changed by setting to the Mission name
or guid (calls ScenEdit_AssignUnitToMission)
mounts { Mount, ... } A table of mounts (with weapon loads) in the unit or group.
Can be updated by ScenEdit_AddReloadsToUnit READ ONLY
name string The unit's name.
newname string If changing existing unit, the unit's new name .
noiseLevel { front, side, rear } Table containing the unit current decibel values if applicable, else nil
obeyEMCON True/False Unit obeys EMCON. Turn off to manually set sensors
oldDamagePercent single changes the last damage percent used by damage trigger
OODA { evasion, targeting, detection } Table contain unit's "observe, orient, decide, act" values
outOfComms True/False is unit connected to side comms network (false = connected) READ ONLY
pickedUpBy GUID The unit GUID that has picked up this unit (useful to the destroyed Event)
pickUpTarget Unit The unit being picked up.
pitch number unit pitch if is controlable else nilREAD ONLY
proficiency string The unit proficiency, "Novice"|0, "Cadet"|1,"Regular"|2, "Veteran"|3, "Ace"|4.
readytime string [READ] or number [SET] how long aircraft/ship takes to be ready as "days:hours:minutes:seconds".
Set the time in seconds
Can use 'TimeToReady_Minutes=' in SetUnit() to set the ready time in minutes for aircraft and ship/sub.
readytime_v number how long aircraft/ship takes to be ready in seconds. READ ONLY
roll number unit roll READ ONLY
SAR_enabled True/False unit can conduct SAR
sensors { Sensor, ... } Unit sensor information
side string The unit's side. READ ONLY
signature { Signature } Table containing the unit signature profile (for the current loadout if an aircraft) if applicable, else nil
speed number The unit's current speed.
sprintDrift True/False Sprint and drift 'True/False'
subtype string The unit's subtype (if applicable). READ ONLY
target object The primary taget of the unit.
On reading, it will return the targeted contact Contact
On setting, supply a table of the contact/actual unit GUID or 'BOL' and the activation point (see ScenEdit_AttackContact)
{ guid = value }
targetedBy { string, ... } Table of unit guids that have this unit as a target
(Note that the starting idex of this table is '0' rather than '1' as normal Lua tables)
throttle Throttle The unit's current throttle setting.
type string The type of object, may be 'Facility', 'Ship', 'Submarine', or 'Aircraft'.READ ONLY
unassign True/False unassign unit (performs basic actions of hotkey 'u')
unitstate string Message on unit status. READ ONLY
UseCustomIntermittentEmissionOnly True/False Activate the custom intermittent emissions
WasPickedUp True/False Unit was picked up? Useful when unit is destroyed after a pickup
weapon { shooter, contact, detonated } Table of shooter unit, at contact unit and detonated (when destroyed) if a weapon READ ONLY
weaponstate string Message on unit weapon status. READ ONLY
weather { Weather } Table of weather parameters (temp, rainfall, underrain, seastate)
delete method() Immediately removes unit object
filterOnComponent method(type) Filters unit on type of component and returns a Component table.
getwaypoint method(guid=string) Returns a Waypoint based on the GUID of the waypoint passed.
inArea method({area}) Is unit in the 'area' defined by table of RPs - returns True/False
Launch method(True/False) Trigger the unit to launch from base (true) or abort launch (false)
rangetotarget method('contactid') Calculate flat distance to a contact location
RTB method() Trigger the unit to return to base, or cancel an RTB.
updateorbit method({TLE=...}) Update the orbit for a satellite by specifying a TLE
createUnitCargo method(type, dbid [,customname]) Create an item in cargo area. Returns cargo
deleteUnitCargo method(guid) Delete cargo item by it's guid. Returns True/False
GetSensor method(guid) Get the sensor GUID details. Returns sensor or nil
getUnitCargo method(guid) Get an item in cargo area. Returns cargo or nil
getUnitMagazine method(mag_guid) Get specific magazine GUID details. Returns magazine or nil
getUnitMountMagazine method(mount_guid) Get magazine details of the specific mount GUID. Returns magazine or nil


Modifiable through ScenEdit_SetUnit function only
refuel True/False Trigger the unit to attempt an UNREP
manualAltitude string or number Desired altitude/depth or 'OFF' to turn off manual mode
manualThrottle string or number Desired throttle or 'OFF' to turn off manual mode
manualSpeed string or number Desired speed or 'OFF' to turn off manual mode
moveto True/False Set a desired alt/depth instead of jumping to actual
RTB True/False Trigger the unit to return to base
sensors Sensor Sensors set to active or inactive in table format (sensor_guid,sensor_isactive)


Exclusion/No navigatation/Standard zone/Custom Environment zone.
affects unitTypes List of unit types (ship, submarine, aircraft, facility) affected by a No-nav or exclusion zone.
area { ZoneMarker, ... } A set of reference points marking the zone.
areacolor string The HTML color code expressed as a number - convert to hex to check against a HTML color chart
description string The description of the zone.
guid string The GUID of the zone. READ ONLY
isactive True/False Zone is currently active.
hascustomlandcoverheight True/False Custom environment zone has a custom land cover height set.
landcoverheight integer The height of the land cover within a custom environment zone.
landcovertype LandCoverType The land cover type override (if any) within a custom environment zone.
locked True/False Zone is locked.
markas Posture Posture of violator of exclusion zone.
noFire True/False NoNav-Zone: is a no Fire zone?
name string The name of the zone.
type string The type of the zone. READ ONLY
thermallayerceiling integer The depth of the thermal layer ceiling within a custom environment zone.
thermallayerfloor integer The depth of the thermal layer floor within a custom environment zone.
thermallayerstrength single The strength of the thermal layer within a custom environment zone.
convergencezoneinterval single The interval (in nm) between convergence zones within a custom environment zone.
weatherprofile table The weather profile within a custom environment zone.



Information about a waypoint.
The extended fields can be used in when setting a course for a unit.
For retrieval of a waypoint, the minimum content is latitude and longitude.

altitude numberLocation altitude/depth in meters
description stringDescription
desiredAltitude numberDesired altitude/depth in metersfor setting a course thru the unit wrapper,
desiredAltitudeTF is used if 'terrain following'
desiredSpeed numberDesired speed
guid stringGUID defining waypoint Older alternative field name was 'objectid'
latitude latitudeLocation latitude
longitude longitudeLocation longitude
name stringName
presetAltitude PresetAltitude Using preset
presetDepth PresetDepth Using preset
presetThrottle PresetThrottle Using preset
TF True/FalseAltitude using terrain following
type WaypointTypeType of waypoint



Information about a weapon


classname string The class of weapon.
dbid number The database ID of the weapon.
directors table directors that can control weapon
guid string The GUID of this weapon.
guidance number Guidance device code
launchLimits table launch altitude limits of weapon at general target types.
name string The name of the weapon.
OODA table The OODA.
ranges table range of weapon at general target types.
sensors table sensors carried by weapon
subtype string Description of weapon subtype
subtypeN number Numeric value of weapon subtype
targetLimits table target altitude limits of weapon at general target types.
type string The type of weapon.
validTargetList table valid target list applicable
warheads table warheads carried by weapon
