ScenEdit_AssignUnitAsTarget (AUNameOrIDOrTable, MissionNameOrID)

This function assigns targets to a Strike mission target list.
The target list can be (a) one single unit/contact name/guid, or (b) a table of unit/contact name/guid

'UnitX' as the triggering unit, can be used as the unit name.
Contacts can also be assigned. Refer to the VP_ functions for details


  • AUNameOrIDOrTable string or table {} The name/GUID of the unit, or a table of unit/contact name/GUID to add
  • MissionNameOrID string The strike mission name/guid to be updated


table {} of string A table of target GUIDs that were added

ScenEdit_AssignUnitAsTarget( {'target1', 'target2' }, 'Land strike' )
ScenEdit_AssignUnitAsTarget('UnitX', 'Land strike' )