ScenEdit_GetEvent ( EventDescriptionOrID, level )

This function returns the properties of an event; the full set of triggers, conditions and actions, or just limited to a subset.

Level is optional and defaults to all details if not supplied.

The event can be extracted in XML format by adding '10' to the level.
The XML can then be used in ScenEdit_SetEvent() to import details into an event


  • EventDescriptionOrID string The event name/guid to retrieve
  • level number1 = triggers
    2 = conditions
    3 = actions
    4 = event
    The detail to return from the function.


Event The event wrapper containing the details

Retrieve all the details about the event
local u = ScenEdit_GetEvent( 'Unit destroyed' )
Retrieve just the action details about the event
local u = ScenEdit_GetEvent( 'Unit destroyed', 3 )