ScenEdit_UpdateUnit ( table )

This function Updates the components of an unit.
As this function also calls ScenEdit_SetUnit(), additional parameters for that function may also be passed to this function.


  • table { }
    • guid = string The GUID of the unit
    • mode = value 'add_sensor', 'remove_sensor', 'update_sensor_arc',
      'add_mount', 'remove_mount', 'update_mount_arc',
      'add_weapon', 'remove_weapon',
      'add_comms', 'remove_comms',
      'add_fuel', 'remove_fuel',
      'add_magazine', 'add_magazine_only', 'remove_magazine',
      'add_dock_facility', 'remove_dock_facility',
      'add_air_facility', 'remove_air_facility',
      The action mode to perform
    • dbid = number Component DBID to affect
    • file = string The filename to upload update from (Applies to 'mode = delta' only)
    • arc_detect = { } of multiple detection arcs
      • arc Arc code string (applies to 'mode = ...sensor...')
    • arc_track = { } of multiple illumination arcs
      • arc Arc code string (applies to 'mode = ...sensor...')
    • arc_mount = { } of multiple mount arcs
      • arc Arc code string (applies to 'mode = ...mount...')
    • sensorid = string A specific sensor GUID to operate on (not applicable to adding sensor)
    • mountid = string A specific mount GUID to operate on (not applicable to adding mount)
    • weaponid = string A specific weapon GUID to operate on (not applicable to adding weapon)
    • commsid = string A specific communication GUID to operate on (not applicable to adding comms)
    • magid = string A specific magazine GUID to operate on (not applicable to adding magazine)
    • airfacid = string A specific air facility GUID to operate on (not applicable to adding air facility)
    • dockfacid = string A specific docking facility GUID to operate on (not applicable to adding docking facility)
    • fuel = { } of multiple Fuel to perform action on
      • string fuel type
      • number quantity


Unit The updated unit object

ScenEdit_UpdateUnit( { guid='2cd64757-1b66-4609-ad56-df41bee652e5',mode='add_sensor',dbid=3352 } )
ScenEdit_UpdateUnit( { guid='2cd64757-1b66-4609-ad56-df41bee652e5',mode='remove_sensor', dbid=3352,sensorId='871aea14-d963-4052-a7fc-ed36e97bb732'} )
ScenEdit_UpdateUnit( { guid='2cd64757-1b66-4609-ad56-df41bee652e5',mode='delta',file='new.ini' } )
local u = ScenEdit_UpdateUnit( { guid='CY41MA-0HN9IIDE9MCFT', mode='add_dock_facility', dbid=19})
--local u = ScenEdit_UpdateUnit( { guid='CY41MA-0HN9IIDE9MCFT', mode='remove_dock_facility', dbid=19, dockfacid='CY41MA-0HN9IIDE9MDV6'} )